07. Ice Cream

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I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I groaned and sat up, grabbing my scarf before getting up to answer the door. I wrapped it loosely around my hand as I opened the door. Elton stood in front of the door. I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Breakfast is ready," Elton said.

I yawned. "Thanks. I'll get ready. Do you have any pants I can use?"

Elton nodded. "There's some in the bottom drawer of my dresser. Shirts are on the drawer above that."

"Thanks," I said. "I'll be down in a few minutes. Does anyone have a hairbrush?"

"I'm sure Corey's girlfriend has one," Elton answered. "She's here, so you can ask her. I can ask her for you, if you want."

I nodded. "That would be nice. I don't want to leave the room with messy hair."

Elton nodded. "I'll be back in a few."

Elton closed the door and was gone for a moment or two before coming back. He knocked on the door and when I opened it, he handed me a hairbrush. I thanked him and closed the door.

I got dressed and brushed out of my hair. I put it in a bun and tied my scarf into a turban. I glanced at myself in the mirror in Elton's room. I was wearing a Send It shirt of Elton's and a pair of black pants. Both items of clothing were baggy on me.

I went downstairs and joined the others for breakfast. I sat next to Elton. He had made a plate for me and had it full of things I could eat.

The others sat around the table. We talked and laughed as we ate. After we finished, I helped Corey clean up the dishes.

Corey tapped my side with his arm. "You know, Elton really likes you."

"I know," I replied. "That's why we're going on another date tonight."

Corey laughed. "You're good for him. He needs someone like you. Honestly, at the end of his relationship with Amanda, it wasn't doing so well."

I frowned. "I didn't think it was going very well either. But their breakup led to me dating Elton."

Corey smiled. "You're better for Elton anyway. You make him smile and laugh. He wouldn't shut up about you."

I laughed. "It's good to know the person you like won't shut up about you."

Corey smiled. "So you like him?"

I nodded, shrugging. "Yeah. He's cute and we have a lot in common."

Corey and I finished the dishes. We joined the others in the living room. I sat next to Elton and rested my head on his shoulder.

Elton kissed the top of my head and rested his against mine. We talked with the other roommates for a while. One by one, the roommates left until it was just Elton and I.

"Do you want to go out?" I asked.

"Sure," Elton said. "Where do you want to go?"

I looked at Elton. "Ice cream?"

Elton nodded. "Yeah. There's an amazing ice cream parlor downtown. It's great."

"Well, do you want to go soon?" I asked.

Elton checked his phone. "Maybe after we eat lunch. Is that alright?"

"But ice cream for lunch is a great idea!" I joked.

Elton gave me a look and I just laughed.

"Kidding, kidding," I said. "When do you think we'll have lunch?"

"When we're hungry," Elton snarkily answered.

I smacked him on the arm and Elton laughed. Elton laughed along with me. When I was done laughing, I looked over at him and he was already staring.

I shyly smiled at him and looked away. I didn't know how to react when someone was staring at me. Elton kissed my cheek before getting up.

"I have to work some," Elton said. "I'll be in the garage if you need anything. Feel free to do whatever you want."

I nodded. Elton left and I pulled out my phone. I text Aviva for a bit before I got up to wander around. I went outside and found a pool. I sat on the edge and dipped my feet in.

I was out there thinking for awhile when Sam came out. He sat beside me and dipped his feet in too.

"What's happening, Mahja?" Sam asked.

"Nothing much," I replied. "How about you?"

"Just got done editing videos," Sam answered.

"Is YouTube your full-time job?" I asked.

Sam nodded. "Yeah. What do you do?"

"I'm a mechanic."

"Really?" Sam asked.

I nodded. "I'm one of the few female mechanics around here."

"I think that's amazing, Mahja," Sam said. "I'm sure you're dominating the workplace."

I laughed. "Of course. I have the other mechanics wrapped around my finger."

I heard the door open behind us. I turned around to see Elton stepping out.

"Lunch is almost ready," Elton said.

I pulled my feet out of the water and got up. "Okay. I'm coming."

I went inside with Elton and sat at the breakfast bar. Elton placed a plate in front of me. Elton sat beside me and we ate together.

"Do you like swimming?" Elton asked out of the blue.

I nodded. "I always have. I usually wear a body suit looking thing. It's kinda like what surfers wear when the water is really cold."

Elton made the 'ah' face. "Would you like to go swimming sometime today?"

I nodded. "Maybe after we get ice cream. We'd have to get my swimsuit after we get ice cream though."

Elton nodded. "Of course. I don't think I've met your roommate."

"You haven't met Aviva?!" I exclaimed. I picked up my phone and started texting her. "You need to meet Aviva. She's the nicest person ever."

We finished up and cleaned our plates. Elton and I left the house and went to the nearest ice cream parlor. We ordered and sat at one of the tables outside.

I kicked my feet up on an empty car. "I like chocolate ice cream a lot. Chocolate in general."

"What kind of chocolate?" Elton asked. "Dark, milk, or white?"

"Dark." I took a bite of ice cream. "It tastes a lot better than white or milk."

"I agree," Elton said. He looked at me with squinted eyes. "Dark is always the best."

"I couldn't agree more."

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