After I gave Calum a nod in gratitude, I caught up to Pauline and walked to the target next to her. I gripped the bow tightly in my left hand and eyed the target; More specifically, I eyed the bullseye.

"Alright, girls," Calum started standing at the front, near the targets. "I'm gonna show you how to correctly position yourself to shoot an arrow, but I don't want any of you to shoot. I like living."

A few of the girls giggled as I cracked a smile.

Leave it to Calum to make a joke out of all of this.

"First, you need to determine your dominant eye. Your dominant eye can judge distances and aim more accurately."

I closed one of my eyes and then tried the other. I soon came to the conclusion that my right eye was more dominant.

Calum spoke up again and rose his arrow, "Whichever side is your dominant eye, is the side that you pull the string back. My dominant eye is my right."

Calum held the bow up with his left hand and pulled the string back with his right.

"For your stance, your feet should be shoulder-width. Do you see how my feet form a straight line pointing to the target?"

I copied Calum's stance and held my bow up, keeping Calum's instructions in mind.

"Okay, Pauline, can I use your target quickly?" Pauline nodded at Calum's request, immediately moving. Her face started to turn a bit red as he nodded to her. I watched as he took his stance and drew an arrow back, "Keep your eye on the target."

Calum's fingers held the arrow back as he carefully lined himself up to the target. I watched closely as he slowly loosened his grip on the arrow, and eventually let go all together, making the arrow shoot forward and hit the bullseye.

"And that's how it's done."

Holy shit.

"Now you guys try!" Everyone looked at each other and then looked at Calum like he was crazy. "Oh, c'mon, it's not that hard. It can't hurt to try!"

With that, everyone shrugged their shoulders and turned to their target without another word. I held my bow up like I did before, but this time I had an arrow in my hand.


I closed my left eye and used my right eye as my guide. I breathed deeply, pulling the string back while balancing the arrow in my right hand, trying to keep the bow steady.


I kept my gaze on the middle of the target and without further ado, I let go.

And the arrow went straight.

I didn't hit the bullseye, but I hit the ring closest to the red.

I looked around at the other girl's targets and none of them got as close I did.

"Holy shit," I heard someone whisper behind me, but I didn't look back because I was in pure shock.

How did I even do that? My aiming has always been awful. When I always went to our town's carnaval, I could never hit the milk bottles down no matter how hard I tried.

"You're a natural," Calum came to my side and patted my shoulder. "How long have you been into archery?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I gripped the bow tighter, "I've never done this before in my life."

"Well," Calum paused, keeping his hand on my shoulder. "You're defiliently being put in the front line."

Oh, this is just great.

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