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(P.O.V. of Harry)

Hey there. I'm Harry. (Author: A NO DURR I THOUGHT YOUS IS A FRICKEN FERRET! Wait that's Draco...) My life couldn't have been better. I mean, my parents could be alive but atleast I'm with my godfathers (I'm assuming Remus is also Harry's godfather) and my brother. (what should the brother be named?) I am waiting for my Hogwarts letter. (sadly Hagrid isn't coming) I keep hearing Remus yell at Sirius because he keeps pulling pranks on him. My brother is playing outside with the swing on the tree.

"HARRY! HARRY! YOUR LETTER! ITS HERE!" Sirius yells from the kitchen. Finally I say mentally. I open the letter. "I got in!" I yell excitedly. I can't wait to get my stuff from Diagon Alley tomorrow.

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