Not a chance

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     CRASH! I jumped at the sudden loud noise and bolted out into my living room where I froze in my tracks. Standing in the middle of the room was a man dressed in black. His hair was Golden-yellow and he stared at me with piercing red eyes. I raised an eyebrow slightly. "What is your class, servant?" I asked in a slight demanding tone as rhe man scoffed.
    "Wow. Trying to intimidate me, are you?" He grinned as if he were happy, but I could see the annoyance in his gaze. "You are a failure, mongrel." I widened my eyes slightly as I realized which servant I had summoned. Oh...why did it have to be Gilgamesh? Why couldn't it have been Caster or Berserker? I heard a scoff from Gilgamesh as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "That's no way to greet the king of kings, mongrel." I glared at him as he snickered. "Keep looking at me like that and you'll see what I can REALLY do."
     I ignored him as I continued staring at him. "You are MY servant and you will do as I command." I said, completely unfazed by his threat. He simply scoffed as I felt two blades press against my back. "Really?"
     He looked at me and started walking closer until he was just an inch away from me, but I could see that he was a most twice my height. I kept my cold steely gaze on him as he returned it. "You are an interesting mongrel, but that doesn't mean that I will accept you as my master so easily. Amuse me and THEN we'll talk."
     "Amuse you?" I looked away and growled. "And here I thought you were loyal to your masters." I scoffed. Stupid. My family ALWAYS gets the difficult servants.

A greater future (Gilgamesh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now