Death around every corner

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     Fear. That's the only thing I felt during the fight with Medea. I wasn't afraid of losing Gilgamesh because I knew he was much harder to kill. No...I was terrified that I'd make a mistake and Medea would have used that to her advantage to gain the upper hand on me, but that didn't matter now. Gilgamesh made sure that she was no longer alive and I owe him my life. He's my servant, but I can't help but feel like I've been his servant this entire time. He has been the one making most of the harder decisions, but it didn't change the fact that I trusted his judgement or his actions even though some were very...questionable. 

     I was laying in my bed now with bandages wrapped around my waist where I'd been stabbed, but Gilgamesh was nowhere to be seen. I tried to sit up as he appeared at my bedside and gently pushed me back down. "No. Do not move, my queen." He said calmly as he set a cup of fresh hot tea on my bedside table. "Just relax for a little bit. The wound needs time to heal." He sat at the edge of my bed and gently pressed his knuckles to my forehead. "You're not burning up anymore." He said, almost sounding worried. He noticed me staring as he smiled slightly and pulled his hand away. "That's great news." He stood and walked to the opposite side of the room as if he were about to leave. He reached for the doorknob, but stopped himself. "Your friend stopped by...said something about wanting to talk to you." He sounded a bit possessive and I found myself smiling at that. He turned to look at me and I quickly looked away to avoid eye contact. "Makiya...I believe she said her name was." 'Makiya?' I thought to myself before I widened my eyes in realization. 'Shoot! She and I were supposed to practice magic together today!' 

     That wouldn't work...I was still bedridden and incredibly sore from all the fighting last night. I'm just glad that Gilgamesh was there. I could've died last night and he would've never known until it was too late. I shivered at the thought as I finally forced myself into a sitting position to which Gil stood there, glaring at me as if I had just arisen from the dead. "Don't look at me like that. It makes me feel like you just watched me crawl out of my grave." I said jokingly as he scoffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Did Makiya say what else she wanted?" Gilgamesh shook his head.


     "Girl, It's been so long since we hung out." Makiya said with her signature smile on her face. Makiya was a pretty woman in her early twenties, she had dark chocolate brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was one of those snobby teens in high school who thought they could get whatever they wanted if they threw a fit in the middle of a mall, which she did, but that all changed after she tried to bully me in high school. I was also one of the popular girls in high school, but not as popular as Makiya had once been and I ruined that for her after I found out her darkest secrets: she was blackmailing her boyfriend at the time. I exposed her for what she was doing and basically stole her friends before she was begging for my forgiveness, which I gave her but not at first. I made her prove to me that she was worth my forgiveness and after I deemed her worthy, she and I became the great friends we are today.

     Makiya and I kept walking until we got to the local diner. It was the same one we'd always go to get ice cream together back when she and I were still in high school. It was our favorite place to hang out, but something told me we weren't coming here just for ice cream. She stopped just outside the door and didn't move at all for a moment before she mumbled something beneath her breath. That was when I noticed the earbud in her ear. She was talking to someone, but I was unsure who until I felt a menacing presence behind me that wasn't there before. I glanced over my shoulder and there he was. Behind me was a large man engulfed in shadows, the outline of his body just barely visible beneath the thick shadowy fog that covered his body and the large sword on his hip. His eyes glowed crimson with rage and a hatred far worse than what I've seen from Gilgamesh. "Forgive me, but I need the grail..." Makiya said as she slung her arm towards me, hand outstretched as if she were about to hit me. "Berserker..." The shadowy man grunted in response as he unsheathed his blade. "Kill her..." Her voice cracked a little from sadness, but i watched the master mark on her hand glow bright red before part of it faded.  'She can't take it back now...'  I realized what was happening and I immediately dodged an attack from the berserker servant as his large sword impaled the ground where I had been standing moments before.

     "GILGAMESH!" I shouted as I threw up a magic barrier just before the berserker tried to attack me again. He shattered my barrier, sending shrapnel in every direction and forcing me to the ground where I wouldn't be able to get away fast enough. I looked up at the berserker and widened my eyes slightly as he lifted his blade once more. He was about to give the killing blow and i instinctively shut my eyes, waiting for the attack to hit. But it never did...

     When I opened my eyes, Gil was there with a sword blocking the berserker servant's sword and the two men were glaring at each other with so much rage and hatred that the air became incredibly hard to breath because of how tense the situation had become. "Call off your pet!" Gil spat the word "pet" as it were venom on his tongue. I looked to Makiya who only grinned and looked t Gil with a dark expression.

     "I can't do that." She said, ignoring the fact that I was still there. "I need the grail..." She was about to issue another order to her servant as Gil flung the berserker servant across the ground, leaving a small crater from the impact. "Lancelot!" Makiya yelled as she watched her servant stand and grab hold of a broken metal pipe that was now sticking out of the ground. As I watched, the pipe turned black in Lancelot's hands and then became shadowy like the rest of his body. I widened my eyes a bit further as I realized that Lancelot could turn anything into his weapon if he touched it. Gilgamesh seemed to realize this too because he jumped in front of me as Lancelot did the same to Makiya. The two men didn't move from where they stood, but instead glared at each other as if expecting to watch the other fade into nothingness. This lasted for a couple minutes before Lancelot charged to the right, trying to get to me and I threw up another barrier to avoid getting hit, but Gilgamesh beat him to me. Gil rammed his own sword through Lancelot's chest, impaling the berserker through the heart before glancing over at Makiya who was watching her servant slowly die before her eyes. 

     "Give it up!" Gil yelled as Makiya growled and summoned two large swords at her sides, ready to attack Gil and I. She lunged forward and was about to swing her swords as she froze before me, a spear blade poking through her chest. Her swords faded away as she looked down at the spear and widened her eyes just before she fell to her knees, looking up at me with fear in her eyes. Gil stood a few feet away, a worried expression on his face as he looked at me. I looked back at him for a moment before looking down at Makiya.

     "I...I'm s-sorry..." She said in between gasping breaths. It hurt me to see her like this especially after all the years she and I had been friends. It felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest and crushed it in their hands. My best friend was dying before me and my emotions were going in all directions at once. I was happy because I got to see her again after so many years, angry because she had just tried to kill me and sad because she was now dying before me. I stood there, frozen as she finally faded. Her life was gone from her eyes and I had no idea what to do. Gilgamesh walked up behind me and tried to comfort me, but it helped more than he was intending for it too. It wasn't bringing Makiya back, but at least he was trying. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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A greater future (Gilgamesh x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ