Making a mistake

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     "I see you finally arrived." A woman spoke from somewhere on the opposite side of the dark room I stood in the center of. I heard footsteps as I summoned a small ball of flame in my hand to give myself some light. I didn't see the woman at first, but felt something hard hit me in the back of my head. I stumbled and nearly fell to the floor, but my flame had gone out. By the time i figured out what she was trying to do, she had leapt out my reach to avoid me retaliating. "Nice try,but you have to be faster if you want to hit me." She let out a menacing chuckle before charging towards me once again, but I was ready for her this time. I flung my arm out in front of me, catching the woman by the throat and squeezed firmly, but not enough to strangle her. "H-how did you..."

     "You need to do a better job of hiding your magic...Medea."  I heard her gasp just before i spun and flung her away from me. She stood, but made no move to come after me again. "You're a caster class servant working under Souichirou Kuzuki. Your crimes include torture, kidnapping, murder, and..." I paused and glanced in her direction, a look of slight anger in my eyes as I spoke. The lights within the building began to come on, revealing the hatred on my face as I stared Medea down. "...attempted rape." Medea lowered her shoulders in shock.

     "How do you know all that?" Medea asked, a look of surprise on her face or at least the only part that was showing. I simply grinned and placed one hand on the dagger I carried on my belt.

     "Because I was there!" I growled, my anger rushing through my veins as my grin turned into a scowl. "I was there...when YOU murdered my parents!" Medea lifted her hood off her head and stared at me in horror and I immediately knew why. "Your master ordered you to kill me back then too, didn't he?" She didn't speak, but slowly lowered her gaze to the floor. "Why didn't you?" I crossed my arms and patiently waited for her response.

     "Because that wasn't my master..." Her voice trailed off as a sharp pain shot through my body and I fell to my knees, blood dripping from my mouth as I clutched at my stomach where a spear was impaling me. I looked at Medea who seemed to be enjoying the sudden turn of events, but that was before I heard a man's voice behind me.

     "You really ARE a meddlesome pest, you know that?" The man spoke as he ripped the spear from my body and walked around me until he was in front of me. Upon first glance, I didn't recognize him but after a few seconds, I widened my eyes. "Ah, you recognize me." He kneeled in front of me. The man before me was none other than Kuzuki himself. "You see, kid..." He grabbed my chin and forced me to look directly at him. "...Your parents were bad people and well...all of you were in my way so...I ordered Medea to murder you and your family, but..." He glanced over his shoulder at Medea. "...someone left you alive." His voice was filled with a silent rage, cold enough to make even the toughest person quake in their shoes. I could sense Medea's shame and fear as her master stood before her, looking into her eyes with pure disappointment. He said something to her in a quiet voice, but I caught part of it. "...kill her...she knows too much..." 

     BANG! The doors behind the three of us burst open and Gilgamesh stormed in, heading towards us. He saw me bleeding from the wound in my stomach and his expression twisted into a look of sinister pleasure. I immediately realized what he was planning as he stopped where he was and his gaze darkened. Multiple golden portals appeared behind him as the sharp edges of blades and spears poked out of them. I tried to drag myself out of the way, but I wasn't fast enough as Gil launched a sword straight at Kuzuki, who dodged it, but not enough. I watched the sword slice through Kuzuki's calf before he screamed in pain and dived behind one of the church pews. "Caster, kill him!"

     "NO!" I shouted, but my voice was drowned out by the sound of swords and other weapons hitting the floor and slicing through pews. The fight lasted for several more minutes before Gil finally managed to defeat Kuzuki's caster servant, Medea. I watched him approach her with the same spear Kuzuki had impaled me with. 

     "Why did you do it?" Gil said calmly, but I could still hear the anger in his voice. He grabbed the front of Medea's cloak and lifted her up until she was face to face with him. "Answer me..." His voice was low, but full of rage. It was quiet rage, but it was enough to make Medea fear for her life. 

     "I-I had no choice...M...My master made me..." Medea said nervously as the tip of the spear pressed against her throat. She closed her eyes and I could tell she had surrendered. Gil thought about it for a moment and then, just like that, Medea was gone. I watched her body turn to dust and vanish into thin air before I started to lose consciousness and collapsed. Gil caught me just before my head could hit the ground.

     "I got you, my queen." His voice was full of worry, but he managed to hide it with a small smile. "Now let's get you some help." And that was the last thing I heard him say before I blacked out.           

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