Enter the darkness

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"My Queen..." I heard Gilgamesh's voice as I sat up on the couch. "Are you alright?" He pressed a hand to my forehead and I flinched from how cold his hand was. He chuckled a little. "Apologies. I've been outside patrolling the fence." He said as he sat down beside me.
"No, I...it's okay." I replied, my body shivering a little as I leaned back against the back of the couch. I glanced over at Gilgamesh and noticed that he seemed distracted by something. "What's wrong?"
"There was a strange man outside while I was patrolling..." He started to say, catching my full attention as I lifted my head off the back of the couch and raised an eyebrow slightly. "...he wore all blue and carried around a large red spear." My eyes widened as I realized who he was talking about.
"What the hell is Lancer doing here?" Gil looked at me with a slightly confused, yet annoyed expression.
"He asked me to relay a message to you and said that his master would like to speak to you...alone." Gil sounded almost angry at the thought of me being alone with Lancer's master. "He gave me this too." He handed me a slip of paper with an address on.
"This is the church." Gil nodded and stood up. "Why would he want me to meet him there?"

"We're here." Gil's voice startled me as I looked up at the church doors from the photo I had been carrying. "Miss them, don't you?" I glanced back down at the photo. It was a photo of my parents and I. The photo had been taken shortly after my parents and I had moved to Fuyuki City, but both my parents had died months later because of some idiot who got trigger happy and killed them because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Yea. I do." I said, finally taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling to calm my nerves. I then shoved the photo into my back pocket before looking up at the church doors again. "If anything happens..."
"I know, my queen." Gil gave my shoulder a gently squeeze. He was trying to help calm me down, even though it didn't help much. "I'll rush in there as soon as I find out he tried to hurt y-"
"Aww. Isn't that sweet?" Lancer appeared from around the side of the building. "Wouldn't want to keep my master waiting, now would we?" His slight smirk made me uneasy. He appeared to be planning something, but I wasn't about to ask what that was. He headed for the doors and pushed them open. "Ladies first..." I rolled my eyes before letting out a heavy sigh and headed inside the church. The doors closed behind me, leaving me in the dark as the sounds around went dead silent. I already had a feeling tonight was gonna be fun.

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