Fourth Entry : Unspoken

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Chapter One

One thing that Kace learned in life is to never trust your brother in cooking. Kris, her older brother has been insisting to cook all the time yet he always fails to make a decent meal, and that includes breakfast. “We should’ve just ordered something outside brother.” She chimed in, as she tossed back the overly-cooked bacon on the plate.

“Don’t even try to comment Kace cause you’re a worse cook than I am.” Kris hollered at her.

Kace sighe, knowing that her brother was right. “Yeah. I’ll just eat at school then.” She stood up from her seat.

Kris gave up convincing his sister to eat so he finally said, “Alright then. Let’s go.”

Her brother always visits her at her apartment which her stepdad (a.k.a Kris’s dad) has given her to make sure she has a place to stay. Kace knew how much her stepdad hates her so she figured that letting her stay in an apartment was just compensation or some sort. She didn’t want Kris to be stuck in the middle between her and his dad. And although she had told her brother many times not to pick her up and drive her to school every day, he still continued to do it.

Her brother is her only close relative after their real mother died 3 years ago due to a heart attack. And since then, they had an arrangement that Kace will live alone in an apartment and her shares from her mother’s wealth will be hold by her stepdad until she reaches the legal age of 18.

As they reached outside, a black shiny Ferrari came into view. Kace stopped walking and admired the new car of her brother. When Kris noticed this, he turned to Kace. “What’s the matter?”

“I just…” Kace sighed not knowing what to say exactly. She walked towards the car and stared at it for a minute. “Your dad’s really something.”

“I didn’t even ask for this.” Kris is not really the type of person who asks for material things even though his dad is really rich. But since he’s the only son, everything is being given to him.

Kris opened the car door for her. “Now if you may…?”

Kace nodded and stepped in.

After how many minutes of driving, they’re finally near the university. Kace signalled Kris to stop the car. He gave her a disapproving look before slowly pulling it to a stop. Kace was about to step out of the car but then Kris managed to stop her by the arm. “Kace, I don’t understand why you still have to do this.”

“Here we go again…” Kace sighed, ‘cause she knew exactly where this conversation was heading. “Brother, how many times do we have to argue about this? If everyone in school finds out that I’m your sister, you’re screwed with your dad.” She said for the nth time, avoiding her brother’s gaze.

“I don’t care Kace…” He paused and turned into serious mode. “…and you know that.”

“Maybe you don’t. But I do. I don’t want your dad to hate you because of me. I gotta go now. Bye. And thanks again for the ride.” She opened the door and quickly stepped out.

Kris got defeated again. He just couldn’t win any argument with her. Before Kace finally disappeared, he managed to peak out the window and yell, “Hey! Do well in your exams.”

She got startled after hearing her brother. He really couldn’t stand me. She turned around and smiled at him. “Will do.”

She started walking her way towards the entrance of the university. It’s good that her building is just near the gate so she could just run and catch up her first class. She looked at her watch. It was already 7:25. Her class starts at 7:30 and her professor in Calculus had already given her the last warning since she’s constantly been coming to school late every morning.

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