46. The Love That Hurts (Bonus 3)

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Normally when she hit him someone saved her. She was alone now. She took a few steps back as he looked at her. She found herself hitting a bed and she fell on the mattress. She sat down expectantly waiting for his outburst. He watched her silently. He had a glint in his eye. He walked towards her and she braced herself for retaliation. He stood towering over her and grabbed her chin again tilting it upwards "Anna. I just warned you. Didn't I. When you are feisty I like it. It makes me want you even more. So if you want to tempt me go ahead. You do know already how madly in love I am with you. You tempt me with your defiance. I have enough self restraint but you are testing it. Don't. Don't tempt me. If I lose control, you won't like the consequences. You will get hurt." He then gave her a long hard stare.

Anna took it as her warning. She was lucky she was getting any at all. It was within her nature to be rebellious. It was in her blood. She hoped she was going to be rescued soon. She didn't think she could hold her tongue and be civil for very long.

Jackson let go of her chin "Now where were we? We need to get breakfast but I can't overlook the fact you slapped me. I can't allow that to go unpunished. I don't want to break your face for hitting me... but I will have to make you pay in some other ways. Don't I? How about this? I let this go if you don't resist it... when I hold you." He then ran his hands down her arm making her cringe.

Anna then watched him walk away not waiting for her answer. "I will get you breakfast in bed. Behave."

The way he looked at her scared her. It was as though he was going to jump on her and devour her any second. But of course he had principles. He had enough self restraint not to do it. She gulped as she imagined what he thought of when he looked at her. He already dreamt of marrying her and making her pregnant with his child while Arturo was still alive. Him being alive saved her from this doomed destiny for now. Jackson was a man who almost ended up being her husband if it wasn't for Francesco. When she pushed Arturo away he was always there to defend him. Even her parents liked Jackson more. They saw Arturo as a risky choice for her. But Francesco never lost faith in him. Francesco loved her like a sister so he protected her long enough knowing Jackson was going to soon take over and clock was ticking so he had forced her to marry before it was too late. Francesco warned her that she could get abducted by Jackson back in the day. He had foreseen this. He had warned her if an O'Kane wanted a woman they would steal them without parental consent and she needed to be wary which she laughed off. Even now that she was married it had happened finally.

Anna stood up and walked around the room as Jackson left the room. He hadn't locked the door so Anna could assume he had guards outside. She was right of course. When she opened the door, she saw many armed men surrounding the room. All across the corridor there were only armed guards.

She wanted to check the windows next when she went back in. As she drew the curtains she found herself facing a brick wall. He had deliberately blocked the windows so she couldnt escape or get hurt. She could imagine she was up many floors. It took a long time for her elevator to reach this floor. She walked to the other curtain. She drew it and she found another brick wall. He wanted to have her trapped. She looked around. There was no chance anyone could see her from the outside. There were no windows. She had to escape but how. There was hardly anything in the room at all so she couldnt make any weapons.

She went to the rest room and looked at the mirror. She put her hands on the wall facing herself "What have I done?" She couldnt believe how she had endangered herself. Everyone was going to search for her and they had to find her if she didnt escape. The through of anyone risking their lives for her made her feel sick.

The reality was slowly sinking in. People could die for her. She didnt want anyone to die. If only... No. She told herself there was no way Arturo could let her do that. She could divorce Arturo and it could mean peace. But her husband could never let her go... Unless she was convincing. She was willing to do that. She was willing to sacrifice herself if it meant it kept peace. How could she love Jackson when she was Arturo's. No woman should have made that decision. To give up the man they loved for a forced love they didnt want. The thought of Jackson touching her made her feel sick. He was not her husband. But she told herself maybe if she divorced Arturo.

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