{17} Forget Me Not

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"Frank. I forbid you from seeing Gerard, I won't allow it! Ever sense you met that boy he's gotten you into nothing but trouble!" Mother yelled as she closed the front door and set her car keys down. She had gotten a call from my school about the questioning today. My bottom lip quivered as I turned my back to her, preparing myself for whatever lecture she was gonna hit me with. "He's a bad influence! Your behaviour has been horrible ever since you started school!" She added, only making the tears start falling.

"Mother please! Gerard is all I have!" I yelled back.

"What ever happen to that nice boy with the curly hair? Ray? Isn't that his name?"

"Ray doesn't understand either! Nobody does!"

It was the truth. She didn't know of Gerards situation, with him being a vampire and all. I couldnt exaclty explain to her what is going on. She was taking away the one person I truly learned to love on my own. She was taking away my everything, my world. I looked over to the little picture of us on the desk. It was the same picture Gerard had saw when he first came here. I grabbed it, looking at it carefully. We looked so happy together back then. I then relaized that I wasn't just blind with sight, but blind of my mothers actions.
"When I was blind, you sheltered me. I had no friends, I had no one. Gerard opened my eyes, literally. He helped me see everything, he taught me how to love mother! I love him, I really do and you're taking him away!" My grip got tighter around the frame as I felt my face get hot and my adrenaline started to pump. I looked up at her with red puffy eyes before saying straight to her face, "I hate you!"

I threw the framed picture of us right at the floor near her feet. She let out a yelp as the glass collided with the floor before putting a hand over her heart dramatically. I left her alone as I went up stairs to my room. I wipped the tears off my face before sitting down on the floor, trying to calm myself.

I paced in my room for almost an hour, arguing with myself about what I should say if she even tries to talk to me tonight. But overall, I kept thinking of Gerard. I thought about how much I needed him right now, he'd know what to do and say. I need you Gerard, I really do.

The sound of light tapping on my window made me jolt awake. I must of fell asleep, seeing that the time on my small alarm clock read 2:47 am.

The tapping started again, then stopped. I went to my window, and opened the curtain to see the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes. I quickly opened the window, pulling him in then wrapping my arms over his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. I sobbed quietly into his neck as he rubbed my back and tried soothing me. "Its alright, Im here now."

"Where we're you? And what the fuck is going on?" I quickly shoved him off of me im anger. I was so happy to see him but angry at the same time.

"Frank, I'll explain everything to you. But first I need to ask if you trust me?"

I looked at him in confusion. "Of course I trust you, what's going on?"

"Frank, run away with me." Was all he said as he sat on the window seal, holding out his hand. "Please Frank. I promise I'll tell you everything but not here."
I stood back for a moment. My mother wanted nothing to do with Gerard, but I loved him and Im willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for him.

I took his hand.

"Where are we?" I asked, rubbing my hands together then sticking them into the pockets of my thick jacket.
"The schools parking lot. The football field is right over there," He pointed to an open area with bleachers as we started walking.

"I owe you an explanation." He said, tucking a stand of hair behind his ear.
"Yeah no shit." I scoffed.

"Frank its kinda hard to explain but, on Saturday you came over to hang out. Mikey said he saw a police officer near by so we went back to my house so you could help me hide stored blood that we accidenlty left out. The officer saw you and I had to.... kill him.. you saw and you fainted. I erased your memeroy of that moment so you're not traumatized for life."

"Why would you do that?!"

"He saw you and I panicked! I feel so stupid because I could of erased his memeroy but I didn't! Im so sorry Frankie, please. I love you and I'd never do anything to hurt you, so I'm going to make a very difficult decision." He trailed off,


"Mikey and I decided that it's only the best for everyone if we just erased our existence from everyone's minds and left for good, I know it sounds crazy but it is possible. If I just made everyone forget I or Mikey even existed, life here in this small town would be better. I shouldn't of gotten attached to you, Ive caused you so much trouble and I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Gerard, no I wont let you! You cant leave me! When you entered my life everything got better,"

Gerard sighed sadly, he held out his hand for me to take again, "P-please, dont make this harder than it needs to be," He stuttered. I looked at my hand, but before I could make a decision I heard faint footsteps behind me.

"Frank? What are you doing here?"

I turned around to be met with Ray. He looked over at Gerard, immedialty stepping back and pulling out his phone. "You're not suppose to be here!" Was all he said to Gerard before shuffling back in fear and anger. "Frank come with me, I'll take you home!" Ray said as he grabbed me by my arm and tugged me away from Gerard.

"Hey let him go!" Gerard said taking a step towards Ray and I tried to get his grip off my arm. Gerard grabbed Rays hand and pryed it off of mine, he winched then gasped at the sudden pop in his hand. "Motherfucker!" Was all he yelled before I ran back and hid behind Gerard. "You broke my fucking hand!" He held out his hand, the bone right below his pinky that connected his wrist to his hand was sticking out as he winched at the pain. "Dude im sorry-"

Ray cut Gerard off, by reaching into his jacket and pulling out a little black thing. I didn't know what it was, but as soon as Gerard saw it he quickly got me behind him. "Hand over Frank or I'll shoot!" Ray said as he held his broken hand against his chest, while he pointed the thing at us.
"What is that?" I whispered to Gerard.

"You've never seen a fucking gun before?" Was all he asked before Ray yelled again. "Shut up! Frank get over here now!"

"Ray, we both know you dont have the balls to pull that trigger. Put the gun down." Gerard slowly moved forward towards Ray, I stayed back in confusion; fear.

"I'll fucking blow your brains out Gerard! Stay back!"

As Gerard crept closer to Ray, he started to panic. "S-stop!" Was he stuttered out before a loud bang erupted from Rays gun.

Happy Together {Frerard}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora