
70 4 0


December 10th 1800


I saw her lying on the bed. The dark purple drapes hung low to block out the sunlight just to her desire. I found enough courage to walk up to the bed. I fell to my knees at the horrid sight. She was dying, and there wasn't much time left.

"...G...Gerard..." She coughed out. "Mother I'm here, I'm here. Tell me what I must do to save you."

"...there is nothing you can do....If I live, It would be a miracle from god himself..." She panted.

"I will find a way to save you. Just rest." I leaned in, gently kissing her pale forehead. I got up from the floor beside her and left the room.

"Foolish boy," She coughed. "I thought he'd be old enough to know, that I was going to die eventually."

I skipped along the stone path that trailed along our house. I looked over at the ocean side, giant waves came crashing down on the rocky shore as it met the grey sky. That was at the end of a small cliff, and only fifty feet behind that cliff was the house my father had built for my mother before his passing just a few years earlier, and then theres me.

My house.
My brother.
My dying mother.

The clouds in the sky fit the scenery perfectly. But it was usually raining in this cold weather, so it was quiet rare to see this time of year. No rain, just clouds.

Past the cliff, about a few hundred yards over, which was the front of the house, was the woodland. A stone trail in the middle of it, leading to the nearest town.

Then I remembered. An old woman that lived about half way. Many said she was a witch, some more said she was mad. All said she was both.

Perhaps a good witch? But If this woman really was a witch, she could help my mother. Bring her to life before she was even dead. That's my plan. I will give the witch all my families valuables, in exchange for my mother to live. It surely is a good deed isnt it?
I ran back into the house. There wasn't much time left. I started in the kitchen. That's where all my mothers expensive china was.I found an empty potato sack and began to fill it with the china.


"What are you doing?" He asked tilting his head.
"Nothing. Just go away Mikey."
"No." He stomped his foot, the black buckle on his shoe rattled down on the old wooden floor as it creaked. I cant draw to much attention, if mother hears us arguing she'll get out of bed,
and she cant leave her spot for she is too weak.

I sighed. "Mikey. Do you want Mother to die?" I spat, I meant it more as a rhetorical question but it came off a bit more rude than I intended. He looked down sadly at the his black shoes, a long frown appeared across his face.

"No." He mumbled. He answered anyway, and to be honest, I felt bad. I'm not the only one losing my mother.

"Then let me do this." I said putting silver wear in the sack. Mikey walked away, Mikey walked away, I think to mothers room. Hopefully he doesn't tattle tale on me. After I was done gathering every valuable piece my mother owned, I ran into the woods with the sack.

After walking for many hours, I came across a small cottage.It was make of old oak wood and had the darkest drapes I've ever seen, there was a large hole in the rooftop and what I assumed to be moss growing out of it . I walked up to the front door, which looked so fragile so i genitally knocked.

The door swung open. "What.....? Who are you?" She was old woman of course. Her hair was white and fell to her waist. Her crooked teeth and almost colorless eyes set her character of what everyone said about her.

"Excuse me miss, Im Gerard. Gerard Way, and I was wondering-"

""Go away foolish child. Isn't your mother worried sick about you?"

"That's just the problem. My mother is dying, and I need your help."

"Im just an old crazy woman. What can I do?"

"I....I've been told your a witch..."

"A witch? Who speaks of such words?"

"Everyone in the village thinks your a witch."

"Well I'll be damned..."

"Will you help me?"

I tried as hard as I could, to look as sad and desperate as possible. Then I remembered, the valuables."I've brought offerings! Everything that is worth so much in my home! Please take it! Just save her!" I held to sack up to her, tears filled my eyes, then streamed slowly down my face.

"Sweet child. What ever you have to offer, will not fill in the gap of the price im accepting." She said wiping my tears with her thumbs.
"What do you want? I'll give you anything!" I pleaded.

"Well, there is only one thing, that I need to save your mother."

"What? What is it!"

"Your soul. Not just yours, but the soul of you, and somebody you love for the spell to be complete."

Soul. Soul? I'd be willing to hand over my soul for my dying mother but two souls? One that isn't mine? cant just hand over anybody's soul.

"Who's soul?"

"Somebody you love, and yours. But no souls, no deal."

I had to think of something. Something quick.

"My soul, and we have a deal."

"Nope, I need two for the spell to work." she smiled a crooked smile.

Who's soul would I give her? The only people i truly love is my mother and Mikey. I've never met my father so.... Wait.... Mikey? Could I sell our souls for mother? For our mother?

"I..... I'll give you mine, and my brother's, for my mother to live."

She smirked, "And what is your brother's name?"

"His name is Mikey. Mikey Way."

"Excellent. Now child, go home, and your mother will be well. But by midnight, you will be with your brother, Mikey......" She trailed off.

"Yes, yes. I understand."

"Now go. Run along, take these with you, and go home." She handed me the sack, and escorted me out of her cottage. I ran off her front porch, i had to thank her first, after all.

"Thank you miss-" I turned around, and the cottage was gone.

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