{3} Welcome to our Committee

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"How was school Frankie?" Mother asked as I put my seat belt on.

"Oh, it was great. Everyone was so n-nice." I half lied. I thought public school was so interesting, other from the fact that the bullies literally sounded like the world's biggest asshole, but I'll get through out.

"Really? That's good Frankie. Good indeed," I smiled as she rubbed my shoulder, and then we sat in silence the rest of the ride.

I sat in the cold room. The window slightly ajar to get that cool air in and with the lights off, just how I liked it.

I lied on the cold floor. Thinking.

I wish for so much more. I've never been able to play at park's or have many friends growing up. The only people I really talked too were other kids just like me in therpay groups when I was a kid. Mother was a bit protective, as I assume like most mothers, but she never really let me out unless it was to a grocery store or something. I wish I could be carefree. I wish I could attend parties and have friends and....


I wanted to be Gerard.

I know it sounds silly but here me out, if you take away the douchieness and add a positive attitude then absolutely. He was carefree, and I bet he goes to parties and has many friends... Yeah actually I don't think so... But instead of lying here on the cold floor and feeling sorry for myself, I wish I could feel the wet blades of grass from under my fingertips. I wish I could feel the sand from a beach under my toes.
But I've never lied in the dirt, and I've never been to a beach. God, I've just never done anything have I? I know other people may not think about it the way I do, or at least want to lie in some dirt but it's the small things to me. The small things I know I'm gonna miss out on..

"So what did you think," I felt Ray by my side. "About what?"

"School you dofus," Ray giggled. "Oh. Well it's a-alright. It's way better than homeschooling."

"Thats great Frank. So I was thinking.."

"Did it h-urt?"

"Oh my god Frank, you're such a dad."

Haha get it?

"Go on,"

"So anyway, I was talking to the Welcoming Committee about letting you join..."

"Why? Because you feel bad for me?" I smirked. I was use to people 'babying' me because of my disability, and it got annoying sometimes but I honeslty love messing with people.
"N-no! Because I though it would be good for you to get to know people and we've never had a handicapped student in the committee and I think we are a very diverse club." Ray explained, and I thought for a moment.

"I'll think a-about it." I smiled, and I could tell he was smiling too.
"How about you stay after school, you can see- I mean, experience what's its like. I'll drive you home."

The final bell of the day rang, and Frank and Ray darted out of the classroom, Frank followed of course, I could never lead the way. Ever.
But, on the plus side, mother didn't have to fill out any paperwork for me to join. The teacher's could care less because It was such a small club, and they didn't interfere with them either, only to make sure no alcohol or drugs are involved. So they didn't really need to worry too much.

"Wait here," Ray leftme in the hallway outside a science classroom, where the Welcoming Committee held their meetings usually. The only thing coming from the other side of the door was bickering and a lot of muffled shouting, and it went on for a good ten minutes.

"Okay come in." Ray lead Frank into the classroom and by the tension in the air, he was standing right in the front of the Committee, all eyes on him.

"Guys, this is Frank. He is new here." Ray introduced him to the Committee, getting muilple 'sups' 'ugh' and 'waddup'. "Frank is blind, and he needs to meet you guys properly," Ray said sternly, and then the tension grew weirder for Frank, like a sudden spark of interest shocked the group of teens.

"Oh really?" A female voice went. It was strong, sexy and confident. "I'm Lindsey." I feel her presences right in front of me, I held out my hand and she shook it. Man, she had a good grip. "He's not much of a talker is he?" Lindsey commented.

"He just needs to get use to you, that's all." Ray said cheerfully. Ray is always so cheerful.

"You seem very bright Lindsey. Let me guess, darkish hair, 5'7 maybe?"

Lindsey was stunned. "Thats freaky. How'd you know?"

"I dont know, maybe it's just that my other senses increased after loosing my sight. It's like a sixth sense," I explained. I didn't know how else to explain it, but I was born without my sight, and my other sense heightened over time, which has ultimately given me the gift of seeing people without actually seeing them. It's a blind person thing ya know?

Out of know where, the sound of a swinging door swung open and heavy breathing with it, making me jolt and move my hands back to my side's as my head hung down in panic. The sound of leather boots made their way towards me.

"Well, well, well, look who it is," Said a very cocky Gerard. "You're the new kid right?"

Frank didn't dare to turn in Gerards direction, but afraid of the punishment he might inflict if he didn't.
"What's your deal?" Gerard asked, but before Frank could speak Ray interrupted. "Gerard what are you even doing here? Aren't you suspended?"

"Yes I am. But when I come back, Principal Vasquez wanted me to join this little club and I wanted to see who all I'll be sitting in here with,"

Lindsey tugged on Frank's sleeve, pulling him to the side protectivly. "Hey look at me when I'm talking to you!" Gerard approached Frank, "and what's up with these stupid ass glasses? Douche much?" Gerard ripped Frank's glasses from his face, revealing Frank's rather beautifully sensitive eyes as he squinted. He was way to scared to do anything.

"Gerard! What the fuck is wrong with you! He's blind you dumb fuck!" Lindsey shoved Gerard out of Frank's face. Now at this moment, Gerard felt horrible. His stomach dropped, wow, he really did it this time. The smirk fell from his face, he looked amongst the entire club, every single one of them standing guard of Frank. They thought he was going to hurt him.

Gerard didn't know what to do. He was dumbfounded. He dropped Frank's glasses on the ground, and rushed out before anymore damage can be done.

"I'm so sorry Frank," Ray said as he handed him his glasses. "It's okay. H-he didn't know," Frank clutched his cane as he tried to calm himself. "He didn't know."

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