2-You and I

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•Astrid's P.O.V•

What I know so far is quite interesting really, I'm off to my math class, and this is gonna be quite challenging really. An academic math class,

"This is not what I'm expecting but okay, I see how it is"I thought to myself, as I slowly got into the math lesson.

"Hello Beautiful! Sit next to me!"said a small perverted boy.

"Gustavo! Pipe down!"said the teacher.

"Please sit here!"a blonde headed girl says, kindly.

I put a small smile and guide myself to her as I sit next to each other.

"New student? I can show you around"Gustavo said in a flirty tone which I wish to punch his teeth out.

"Now class, as I said. Grade tenth math will be challenging. But don't worry, as long as you study!"He narrow his eyes to Gustavo"you'll do fine!".

I thought to myself wondering, if math will be a challenge for me, but grade nine math wasn't that hard. So if I play my cards right, I'll get in that honour roll.

At least I can a good view by the window area of the classroom, feeling a lot comfortable here. Except that Gustavo character, he looks younger to be a frickin tenth grader.

This will be boring

|Next Day|

Note to self, maybe a school bus will be considering, otherwise the city bus is crap as always, it's not really busy in the mornings. Easy to get there quick though, and get me on time also. So I'm just sitting by myself, as I'm kinda tired still of waking up around 7:30 to get ready for school like other days.

I wonder College students do, I heard they get 8am lectures.

This hospitality tourism isn't so bad, at least we get food out of it. A lot of learning about cooking and first off I get to the dishes while everyone prepare, but I did participate on prepping the ingredients.

The teacher is kinda enough to help me around the kitchen, my classmates are nice, mostly girls. And a few boys around. He's in this class too.

Just by the sink area near the dishwasher, sorting everything out before doing so, until suddenly I felt a deep presence near me.

"You need a hand?"The boy ask me, as I was just cleaning the dishes alone.

"Yes please"I mutter, feeling kinda shy still.

"I'm Hiccup"Boy says too quick for me to hear.

"What?"I ask, giving him a confuse look but I kinda smile which I don't know why.

"Hiccup my name is Hiccup"He chuckles nervously.

"Oh. I'm Astrid"I said softly.

"Huh?"He shook his head.

Astrid smiles"my name is Astrid".

As we both look at each other and smile weirdly. I kinda feel awkward talking to this boy, I don't know why. I still have this odd feeling still.

He's My Boo (Hiccstrid) UNDER REVIEW Where stories live. Discover now