The fundamentals of caring

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The rules of fundamental caring are the following
1. To give care but don't care too much

2. You can't take care of another unless you take care of yourself first

3. Your needs are equal to the person of whom you're caring for

4. Caring is difficult, all you can do is not give up and be positive

5. Always remember ALOHA
Ask, listen, observe, help, ask again. Nothing more. Nothing less.

6. Don't get attached, it's your job to care not to always be there because you're not permanent

Thats what I was taught when i was learning to become a caretaker. My first patient is an absolute asswipe, i hate him. Well that isn't completely true, but he is an asswipe.
Hello, my name is Kim Jongin and I'm 21. I'm also sehun's caretaker, Sehun suffers from muscular dystrophy and is 19. Now that only makes him unable to use his body like others, he can still move but barely. He's not retarded as Sehun would say, Sehun has a sharp mine and odd sense of humor. That little shit head's humor is terrible, one of the reasons i hate him. Now enough with introductions.
Remember those rules? Yeah, good because I broke all of them. I know how terrible can I be to break all the god damn rules with my first patient? Well, Sehun is special. Let me tell you how I broke all those rules. Rule number 1, I'm supposed to care for a person but not care too much. Let me just start with thats a stupid, now I broke it because since day one, Sehun was twat to me but even so I felt a pull towards him. Heres how I broke rule 1.
Our first encounter
I went to meet Sehun and his mother to see if I was qualified to care for Sehun. I got there and it went a little like this.
"Is this your first time dealing with someone like Sehun?" Suho, Sehun's mother had asked
"Yes, l-" Suho cut me off " I specifically asked them to send someone with experience" Suho had grumbled
"Well, I went through the train-" I had tried to explain
"Yes, I know, I have also went through the same training" Suho had responded annoyed
"This will work i guess" Suho had huffed " Sehun will you please come here?!"
Suddenly the boy I presumed was Sehun came but when he saw me he started screaming
"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" I had asked confused
Sehun just pushed his wheelchair to be in front of me and kept on screaming. I looked over at Suho but he just sighed loudly.
"I have cologne on, could that be affecting him?" I ask dumbfounded
"Sehun stop will you!" Suho raised his voice a bit
"Was it my cologne?" I asked still dumbfounded
"Oh yes, because retarded people are affected by cologne, what is that i smell? That smell triggers me!" Sehun had responded sarcastically
"Sehun! Don't say that! I told you to stop saying that word, you're not retarded" Suho looked so done
"Wait, if you're going to look after me, i have a very important question" Sehun said
"Yes?" I asked
"If you had to wipe my ass, what techniques would you use?" Sehun asked completely serious
Suho had just laughed
"I'd use such technique that your ass wouldn't have anymore shit" I had responded
Sehun had looked at me for good 5 seconds and then at his mom and said "He's the one"
That was the day I met this shit head, and over the span of two weeks I found myself caring a lot for Sehun, like why does his schedule have to be the same thing every day, where his father was, how does he feel about living like this and how i could make his life better. That was a no no, all i had to do was get a long with the patient and make sure their needs are met, nothing less. Nothing more. That was bye bye for the first rule.
Rule number 2, you can't take care of another without taking care of myself first. This rule isn't as dumb as rule number one but let me just tell you that I work with sehun from 8:40 to 6:00 and I have another job, from 8:00 pm to 3:00 am. I also am taking a break from college so that I can round up a bit of money to survive on since the money my mom sends me is used for my university and I'm not rich so it isn't that much money. I also survive on those maruchan noodles, so I'd say I'm doing a great job of taking care of myself. Suho completely disagrees and told me that I broke rule 2. What does he know, I usually get 6 hours of sleep and I eat noodles twice a day. How am I not taking care of myself? Other than eating maruchan noodles that probably isn't that healthy and sometimes sleeping 4 hours an about 30 minutes a day because I babysit for my friend Baekhyun from 2:00 am to 4:00 am. I'm doing fine. Either way Sehun, Suho and Baekhyun agreed that I'm not able to take care of myself that well so thats bye bye to rule 2.
Rule 3, my needs are equal to Sehun's. That isn't true, no one can convince me otherwise. Sehun needs help wiping his ass considering he's an asswipe is ironic since i wipe his ass. Anyways, Sehun needs to take a bunch of pills, if he doesn't he could die! And vitamins since that shit head refuses to eat something other than 2 waffles and a sausage. Thank god I introduced him to slim jims, french toast and a few fruits. The point here is that Sehun's needs are way more important and that means i broke rule 3 because I don't believe and whats best for me as long as its the best for Sehun.
Rule number 4, caring is hard but just be positive. I was wrong I didn't break that rule. Actually never mind. Sehun and I had our ups and downs like when I pressed Sehun to tell me about his father, kris (Feelings, hurt) had left him when he was 3 which was when he was diagnosed and his mom had been writing letters to him pretending to be him, that day wasn't positive and I couldn't find a way to make it positive. Another example was when Sehun kept talking about wanting his dad dead and just wishing for his death when that asswipe knew my father had died and it was a really dark time for me. I knew he did it on purpose and I yelled at him and he yelled back. That day i told him to go fuck himself and he just kept pushing, adding oil to the flames. We've had our ups and downs.
Rule number 5, this rule is like one, don't do more than your supposed to. I obviously didn't listen since I'm dating Sehun and i take him somewhere knew every Saturday.
Rule number 6, don't get attached because I can be replaced. I'm his boyfriend and I live with him and Suho so.... Also I think I need to worry about Sehun not being replaceable to me since he's not expected to survive past his 30s.
Anyways since I broke all the god damn rules, I quit. Got fired exactly. Who cares, I have Sehun now so. Let me tell you though when his knew caretaker came I was threatened, it was a hot 25 year old named Jin. One day I came back from my classes and I had found Sehun laying on his bedroom floor with a crying Jin next to him. Jin like me knew how special Sehun was. Finally that asswipe was at peace on his 20th birthday. What a birthday gift right?

That was Jin's first day, he quit that next day since Sehun was a little bitch that pretended to die. Don't worry about us though, we're happy.

This was based on the Netflix movie the fundamentals of caring. I obviously changed a few things but I hope you enjoyed. Also I'm sorry if anyone gets offended by the way I used the word retarded.

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