Chapter 1

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Crinkling of the newspaper could be heard, as the Middle aged lad flipped through it. He focussed strictly on any juicy headlines, or anything that wasen't your 'Cliché thing'.

Scratching his stubble, he read a passage, that had an interesting title 'Killer sprees' he 'hummed' in delight and read over it slowly. "Oh dear, a killer seems to be on the louse." He pushed his glasses up on the brim of his nose.

"Just horrible." The lady on the other lounge couch in front of him, gave a rather terrifed look. "People these days are mocked up in the noggin!" She shook her head softly. She truned her head, reaching to pick up the fine china that sat on the table. "Don't you agree?'

"Terrible indeed." There butler nodded, pouring more tea for the two. "But then again, many people have grudges with one another. So that was to be expected."

"Indeed." The man smiled slighty. "Too many wars, and to much stealing now these days." He muttred.

The butler smiled, watching the two, if a need in careing. "how's the taste..?"

"You know, it's very good!.. But it smells like...bitter almonds.. Don't get me wrong it's a nice's just off or tea." The miss explained as she took another sip, from the fine china.

"Bitter almonds..? Oh my." There butler eyes widen a bit. "I'm sorry madam."

"No it's fine, nothing wrong. The smell doesn't bother me one bit!" She smiled softly at the young adult.

"The smell is rather nice." The man nodded, agreeing with his wife. "Almonds do smell refreshing."

The two remained silent as they finshed there tea. Only looking at the newspapers, or humming a comeing from the lady. It was this way for a rather short time until the women had finshed her cup. "Dear, could you please get me another batch." She looked at the butler politely.

"Yes ma'am." He bowed, Takeing her tea, and walking quietly out of the room. Shutting the door softly. He softly placed his hand on the locker, and slid it till it clicked. Truning around, he sat the china on a stray end table in the hall, Takeing his gloves off smoothly and carefully, he put them next to the tray. He countied on his way.


Crys point of view~.

It was late afternoon, and yet I still was walking around the town. I didn't really mind that I would get scolded for being home so late, but I didn't mind. I haven't been out in a while, since the killing sprees have been happening. My parents are worried, since the usual targets, is  for people of upper class, but were not a famously knowed family, so feeling as if I was a target, was pointless.

Looking down on the marbles paved streets, I tapped puddles I would see on the way, Makeing the water ripple as I did. It's been raining a whole lot, most likey because spring is around the corner, or maybe it's just where we live.

"News! For only a penny." I heard a news boy say, as I looked up. You could see the headline that has been trending for the past few days. I would get one, but I didn't bring any coins to spare with me, besides I was just planning to walk.

Passing the kid, and the crowd that was around him. I decided to head home, I didn't want to be grounded for life, but for a few weeks, I could do.

Walking through the twist and Truns, and alley ways. That made a shortcut for my house. I arrived very quickly. Sighing and opening the door, quite suprised it was unlocked. 'Usually around this time, and the events I don't think they be this careless.' I thought to my self.

"Hello..?" I looked around. "Dad..? Mum..?" I walked into the kitchen, the lounge room and I couldn't find them. "Hello!" I hollered.

"Oh Cry!" I heard my mom cry as she pulled me into a hug quickly.

"What's wrong..?" I hugged her back, patting her back.

"Your father just called me, and said your Uncle and Aunt passed away." She sniffles.

My Uncle and Aunt, I wasent very closed to them, but ever few holidays they visit, and give me gifts or so. "Oh.." I muttred. "How..?"

"The officers are still uncertain of what it was, but they thing it might have been sucide."

Sucide? How could they do that, they had all the money in the world, and everything they asked for showed up in a blink. Werid. Guess there were just lonely.

"I'm sorry." I muttred. Sighing, I realeasd the hug. "When's there wake..?"

"We've started planning it, Monday Maybe." My mother wiped he tears with a cloth. "Well dear, how about you go and clean up for supper." She smiled patting my head.

Shrugging I walked up the long fleet of stairs to my room. Flopping down on the comfy covers, I went into deep thought.

'They had everything, and yet. They gave it up.'


A/n: hey there! This is my frist pewdiecry story and I hoped you enjoyed the frist chapter.

It probley was very confusing a parts, such as Bitter almonds. I won't tell you what it means. But if your curious look up 'the smell of bitter almonds' and you'll get what your looking for!

Also another part that May have puzzled you was the Aunt and Uncle part. In my family. If you married my Aunt, you would be considered a uncle. So if that confused ya, there ya go!

Any question and feedback is always welcomed!

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