Chapter 3

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As a week passed, everything seemed to lighten up, immensely. Cry's mother was back to her old self, cheery, bubbly, and uplifting self. It was a great change to happen, of course the young lad had still felt half empty knowing his Aunt and Uncle are gone, but having to see his mother healing from the passing, was a blessing.

Now, one thing that irked him was his mothers pushy self returning. She began ordering the boy to go see his old friends, classmates, or just pluck a random person from a crowd and befriend them. Cry tried his best to think up a reason why his mom started up with this sprit of hers, way too soon, and he cursed her emotions for placing things back in order for her, at least.

Today was just one of these afternoons, she had made him a nice small lunch and literally shoved him out the door, of course not without a 'I love you', or 'be safe honey! Return soon!'

He huffed, strolling down the paved streets. Pondering on who he should visit. Maybe Scott? Or what about Russ, cry stopped to think for a moment, he's been busy lately with helping out his parents business, so possible no. So, he decided to check If Scott was home.

He knocked swiftly. Standing with a slight lean and hands I'm trouser pockets, he waited. It was maybe only a couple seconds until the door was creaked open. Black eyes looked at him curiously.

"Hi Ms. Jund!" Cry chirped, smiling at the lady In front of him. "Is Scott out?"

The kind lady gave him a gently smile, she was a very sweet woman. "He's home honey! I'll go fetch him for you." She turned to trudge down the hall of her house, taking a sharp turn.

"Aye bud!" Cry's head jerked up from starring at the ground, he was wondering off. "How's it going?" Scott gave a sly smirk.

"Eh, I'm better than a week ago, that's a fact." Cry gave a light hearted sigh, Scott had came to his Aunts and Uncles wake out of respect. Scott knew things weren't fine a while ago.

"That's nice to hear, so what brings you around? Your mum shove you out again?" He chuckled , reaching up to pat Cry's shoulder "no problem buddy, I've got free time!"

"Yup, spot on." Cry rested his hands on his hips "how about we go to the bakery down town, maybe stop by at Russ's place?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." The slightly shorter male said, he turned facing the open door to his home, and calling out for his Mother "Mum, I'm going to go out with Cry for a while, heading to the bakery, and what not."

Cry heard his mother reply with a agreement and she simply ushered the two out the door, softly closing the door shut behind her.

"Surprised she even let me out, ya know? She's so worked up with business these days, in fact who isn't?" Scott exclaimed.

Cry gave a nod. "Yeah, my fathers caught up in work in another country, while it's just me and Mum for a while. She's a lot like your Mum too." He smiled slightly, remembering how his dear Mother would always chat with Scott's' when they were younger and together.

"Now that is true." Scott averted his eyes to his side, looking at some townsfolk that past him and cry in there walk. "On a completely different note, don't you think it's awfully weird of them to just push us outside, even with murders and missing people going around?" Scott inquired, he kept his voice close to a whisper. Not wanting to attract attention.

(( A/N: hey guys sorry for not updating this old thing until now. Lot of shit went down in life. So I'm wondering wether to keep updating this, I mean, I'm not that much into the fandom anymore. I still watch the LNC, just don't know. Still deciding.

But have this little part of chapter 3, I was gonna write more, but you get the drift.))

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