"Hurry up! Were wasting time!" She said slamming the door shut. She was shocked at first by the force of the wind. It was past curfew. They probably shouldn't even be out. She felt like she had been caught up in a blizzard. The freezing particles in the air stung her nose, flying at a full force speed. It hammered into her, and she could swear her coat was made of paper. She had no idea how he could be out here in this. Kirishima joined her quickly, and they began towards the map. There were five different routs he could've taken, but knowing him he probably took the most advanced one. The only audible thing was the howling of the wind and the methodical crunch of their boots in the fresh powder. They could barely hear each other's voices, and it was impossible to see more than five feet in front of you. Anzu questioned if this was the right decision. Maybe they should've gotten Aizawa, explained the situation. But at this point, Anzu couldn't admit it, but she couldn't even tell which way was back and which was forward. She could barely see the moon through the flurry of snow flakes flying over her head. Crunching of snow under her feet over and over for what felt like hours but was only thirty minutes. Anzu walked closer to Kirishima, finally stopping him.

"We have to go back! We won't be able to find him this way! We've been walking for at least thirty minutes! We need to get Aizawa's help!" She yelled, her voice being carried by the screaming wind. She was so worried she didn't know what to do. This weather was almost deadly to be out in for too long. She had only been out for thirty minutes and the tips of her fingers and her nose were completely numb. Kirishima gave her a sympathetic look. She had never seen him worried before. It made her uncomfortable to see someone so bright look solemn. She didn't want to give up either. But rushing into this would solve nothing, it would just end up in more casualties. Anzu sighed inwardly. She felt like she was abandoning a friend, and it was never something she had experienced before. It nearly made her sick to her stomach.

"Anzu look." Kirishima said, pointing in a direction. She swore she didn't even know which way was up anymore. She could hear additional crunching, then the appearance of something white. It had shadow to it though. She knew for a fact it was him.

"Bakugou!" She called, waving. Kirishima did the same. When he finally looked up, Anzu swore it was the first time he looked happy to see them. Kirishima lit up.

"F-fuck. It's cold." Bakugou said, stomping up to them. He was shivering uncontrollably. He had turned a completely different shade of white. His hair was the color of cotton, and he looked like someone spread flour all over his face. He looked tired, which was also a first for her. Kirishima slung Bakugou's arm over his shoulder. The trek home was a lot less stressful.

When they got home, all three of them looked like they had gone to war in the Alps. Anzu's locks of hair had been frozen in place and looked like they had been dyed white. Kirishima's hair was also frozen solid, and Bakugou looked like a miniature yeti. Kaminari had boiled some water, and set up a fire. She was genuinely shocked as well. She supposed he could be smart when he needed to be. Bakugou was still shivering like crazy. They all sat by the fire, and Anzu continued to rub her numbed hands.

"What the hell happened!?" Anzu asked Bakugou, glaring at him from the corner of her eye.

"I got stuck in a gully* filled with powder." He stammered, sitting so close to the fire Anzu worried he would burn himself. *(A gully is water-worn ravine. It's a ditch that can be fun to ski in, but when filled with powder that has the same effect as sinking sand except colder, it can be very dangerous.)

"We're just glad your safe." Kiri smiled, nudging Bakugou with his elbow. Anzu had just about defrosted, but now she was more worried for Bakugou. She had read during her studies in the white room, that if hypothermia wasn't treated immediately it could lead to much worse side effects.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat