Twelve: Over.

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I'm sitting in front of Lunar's dorm, waiting for her to come back from wherever she must have gone to.

She isn't inside, that much I know. But after she fled from me in class, I don't know where else she would go.

But she has to come back.
She just has to.

The flowers I got for her remain in the passenger seat next to me and I stare at them.

I should have gotten more lillies.

Suddenly, the bunch of a dozen lillies doesn't look big enough. But that's not the point.

It wasn't about surprising her or making her smile.
It was about accepting my wrong and hoping she'll forgive me....even if I know she won't.

My phone starts ringing, startling me and I stare at it hesitantly until I catch sight of the name.


"Lu." I pick on the second ring, relieved that she called me.

But the sniffling on the other side of the phone drowns my hopes immediately.
And what's worse is that I know it's not her.


"Nathan. It's Tess, Lunar's friend." A girls voice says through the phone between sniffs.

"Is everything okay?"

"You have to come to the hospital. It's Lunar....She had an accident. The doctors say she's going to....."

Tess is still talking but her voice is blanked out by a loud whistling noise as the shock of her news take effect.

Lu had an accident.

Oh God, no.

Please no.

This is all my fault.... I did this to her.....

"What hospital?" I can barely hear myself.

"Saint Lilly's." She says and I start the car.

"I'm on my way."



I wake up to bright lights that seem to be directly over my face and adding to the splitting headache I have.

"Urgh." I groan, blinking rapidly and the lights reduce to a calmer glare.

My eyes adjust to the white room as I take in the appearance.
White walls, white lights, white bedsheets and blankets.

"I'm in a hospital." I murmur as I look at the line inserted into my arm and I feel the bandage on midsection.

"Fuck." I groan at the pain that shoots around my torso.

"Oh good, you're awake." A nurse says as she walks in, smiling at me. Her calm tone and easy smile oozing off her like a flower scent near a sewer.

"I think there's been a mistake. I can't be in a hospital, it was just a small hit on my car." I say despite the pain and despite knowing I am wrong.

It wasn't a small hit.
I remember screaming and the car losing control.

The nurse smiles gently as she makes small notes then fluffs my pillow.
"The doctor will be in to explain everything. Don't you worry, okay? Just rest that pretty head of yours." She says and leaves the room.

A few minutes later and a red head lady walks in carrying a file.

"Lunar Kensington. How are you feeling?" She asks as she checks my temperature and the line.

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