Prologue: The Note

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"Cream cheese?" the lady behind the counter asks as she gets the two bagels I asked for.

"No thanks, just that and a spicy pumpkin latte." I say,  and she smiles.
I smile back. It was our routine, she knew that I came here every morning before school to order the same thing and she would always ask me if I wanted cream cheese with the bagel.

But I wasn't a fan of cream cheese and neither was Logan. He sure did love his pumpkin spice latte anyway, and because of how much we ordered it,  we had free coupons for a week.

The lady hands me my order and I show her the coupons. She verifies it and nods,

"See you tomorrow." she says and I say over my shoulder,

"You too." before leaving the cafe and heading straight for Logan's house. We would always meet in front of his house and walk together to school.

Excitement bubbled in me to see him, to hug him and have him flick my ear the way he always did when we met.

As I neared Logan's house, I couldn't help the brief anxiety I felt.
It's today.
Today we were finally going to talk to his parents. Logan has the closet for a while.

A long while.

Dating him was like sunrise, beautiful and slow. Until he told me. 
I felt sorry for him at first. And he knew it, and he hated it.

But he wasn't going to break up with me, he needed my help.

I can still remember the fear in his eyes when he said he didn't know how to tell his parents. And he just needed me to keep dating him until he figured out a way to tell them.

"Of course."
I had replied in a heartbeat. Until Logan came out, I was going to be his disguise. Then we figured out how to tell his parents. Together.

He said if I was there with him to show that I understood, maybe, just maybe his parents would see it from my point of view.

I knew it was going to be tricky. Logan was an only child, and his parents were super religious.

Nevertheless, I couldn't refuse. He may not be attracted to me but he liked me, and I liked having him around.

I turn the curb and walk the last block to Logan's house.
But he isn't standing outside.

I pause and frown.

"Logan?" I ask as I walk to the door and knock, but it just creaks open.
My heartbeat quickens in response.

"Lo?" I ask,  entering the house tentatively.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mullins?" I ask and enter the kitchen.

Oh, God.
It was a mess. There were broken dishes everywhere, spilled juice and coffee, cutlery, and fruits all scattered.
I rush to the cooker and turn it off, where the eggs there had burnt to a blackened crisp.

Panic seizes my throat.

"Logan?!" I yell now,  more scared than ever as I climb up the stairs and head for his room.

When I get to his room, I stand frozen to the spot and the latte and bagels fall from my hand.

I didn't need to knock.

The door was wide open, and Logan was there.......hanging from the roof, the weight of his body putting pressure on the belt that was firmly wrapped tight around his neck.

His face was red, almost purple.

"Oh my God." I squeak out and rush to him, not sure of what to do.

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