Chapter 33

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                           (your pov)

my alarm went off. Kevin and I got up.

I got my uniform and headed to the bathroom. I got undressed and stepped in the shower.


I dried my hair and changed into my uniform. I walked out of the bathroom. Kevin wasn't there. I guess he went home to change.

I grabbed my phone and my backpack. I decided not to wait for Kevim since I was going to be late.

I started to walk to school.

                       (Kevin's Pov)

I went home to get dressed since I didn't bring my clothes.


I grabbed my backpack and headed to my babes house. I grabbed the key she gave me and opened the door. I walked to her room.

She wasn't there. She left with out me.

I rushed out and locked the door. I went to my car and turned the engine on.

I headed to school hoping (Y/N) already arrived.


On my way I saw (Y/N).

"babe get In"

she looked my way and smiled. She walked towards me. She got im my car.

"hurry Kevin we are almkst late"

"hang on"

I pressed the gas.

"omg" I heard her scream. We finally arrived.

"Kevin jamas vuelvas aser eso"

"you said to hurry"

"hay Kevin"

We walked in the building together and we headed to class.

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I'm going to skip when they go to school. on the next chapter they are going to graduate so the drama can start.


Broken(Kevin Ortiz)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant