Author's note

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My sister started her fanfic she asks me to help her but I'm to lazy to lol.

If you guys have written a book comment the name I really feel like reading😝. I will vote on every chapter and that's a #PROMISE

I know this book is still not over but I got an idea for my next book. It's going to be a Luis Coronel FanFic. Im going to tittle it Stole My Heart. (I know dumb tittle right lol)

I'm going to finish this book before I start the new one. It's easier so I don't have to update like 5 books.

Oh and like I said if you have written a book comment the tittle I promise I will read it and Vote for every chapter.

Add me on Snapchat







Giovana Arroela

And my little sister (she made me guys she's scary when she's mad)

Her Instagram



@Imacatliver. 👈😂


Maria Vanessa Arreola

If you can't find her look for her through my friends list



I searched for myself on Google and I found myself. I just did it cuz I was bored but now I'm scared. what if there's a rapest and sees me on Google😖 and rapes me.

Idk how that happened but it's scary

Good bye😋🐻

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