Chapter 17

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(Your POV)

I was awoken by my sister's scream.

"(Y/N) some one is here"

"Who is it"

"I don't know I haven't seen him"

"Is it Kevin"

"No Kevin is our neighbor"

"Ugh" I got up and walked towards the door.

Harry was at the door. He had some bruises in his face.

"Still in pajamas" he smiled. my face turned red.

"Ill be right back" I rushed to my room.

I put on some shorts and a Rolling Stones t-shirt.

I rushed Back to where Harry is.

"Sorry for not calling to tell you I was coming. I called you all day yesterday but your phone was off"

"I was with my family"

"Oh, want to go somewhere"


"Lets go"

We walked towards Harry's car. I saw Kevin he was looking at us.

I got in Harry's car and we left to who knows where.

"Does it still hurt"

"What" I pointed to someone of his bruises

"Oh kind of"

"I'm sorry Idk what Kevin was thinking"

"It's not you fault love" he smiled

(Kevin's POV)

I was going to see (Y/N). I really need to say sorry.

I saw Harry and (Y/N) walk to his car. he beat me. I didn't want to cause anymore problems so I turned around and headed back home.

(Your POV)

"So Harry where are we going"

"I'm going to get a tattoo" he smiled

"Another one?"


We arrived at the place where I got my piercing. he opened the door for me and we got in the building.

I saw the man that did my piercing. he waved at me and I waved back.

"You know him"

"Yeah he did my piercing"

"What piercing" he looked confused

"Ana took me here so I can have a piercing on my belly button"

"Can I see it" he smiled


"Aww" I Followed him.

"Hey Harry here for another tattoo"


"Ok sit right here"

Say on the chair.

"What would you want?"

Harry told the guy what he wanted.

"Sit by me" Harry told me.

I sat by him. the guy started to make a tattoo

Minutes later he was done. he had a ship on his arm.

"Nice" I smiled

"Thank do you want one I'll pay"

"Oh no thank you Harry"

"C'mon (Y/N) at least a small one"

"Ugh fine"

"Yes" I laughed at him.

"Harry if I get in trouble I swea-"

"Don't worry it's going to be a small one I don't think your parents would notice"

"Ok" I sighed.

Harry told the guy that I would get one

"It's her first time getting a tattoo tho"

"Ok what would you like" he asked me

"A little bird on my wrist not to big"

"Ok miss" I sat down on the seat Harry sat.

"You might want to hold his hand just incase"

I grabbed his hand knowing it will hurt.

The needle came in contact with my skin.

I grabbed Harry's hand tighter.

"Done" I looked at my wrist it was red. its pretty I hope no one notices.

Harry paid and we took me home.

We arrived at my house and we said out goodbyes.

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