Chapter 66: Ghost or A Nightmare!

Start from the beginning

The memories of the most memorable night of my life when Mayaan went on a date with me and later I spend the night at her room with her. I miss those days, I wish I could get a chance to make everything right and clear the misunderstanding between us. I was lost in my thoughts meanwhile Mayaan turns and bumps into me - she stumbled but I was fast enough to hold her by wrapping my arm around her waist. She was stunned on finding me standing behind her;


Her voice came out breathless.
Mayaan stood straight and pulled away but her back hits the fence making her gasp. It appeared she was confused on encountering me here alone with her or maybe she doesn't want me to be here. I turned to walk away but her voice stopped me;

"How are you?"

She asked hesitatingly.

I smiled because her question was something I never expected her to ask after our last encounter. She lowered her gaze and bit her lower lip which she does a lot when she is nervous or scared;

"Alive... and you"

I said as I turned to face her while I tucked my both hands in front pockets of my pant and took a step towards her;

"I am fine... you are alone?..."

she asked curiously but then shook her head with saying;

"You don't have to answer, it's none of my business"

She said lowly and was about to walk away but I hold her wrist. I came and stood in front of her while I grabbed a red rose from the vase;

"I don't have a date Mayaan but I believe you do and yet here you are alone just like me"

I said as I slowly let her hand slip away from my grip.
She looked at me thoughtfully with creased brows and takes a step closer to me;


She asked with a frown while concern was visible in her eyes as they shined;

"I am alone because the one I want to be with is with someone else and she is happy to be with him but you could make me the happiest man on earth if you accept this rose and do me the honor to have a dance with you "

I said as I held the rose for her.
She looks at me puzzled;

"but... I don't know... I am..."

She said as she looked around and steps back keeping distance between the two of us;

"Are you scared of me... hmm... or are you scared that your date might see us together?"

I asked her curiously as I took a small step towards her;

"No... I am not"

She said as she looked me in the eyes but she nervously bit her lower lip when she glanced towards the window because people could see us clearly. I knew what I had to do to have her to agree for the dance. I went and blew off all the candles and turned off the lights making her gasp as I closed the curtains and shut the doors. I turned to face her - she was standing quietly staring at me with creased brows while the red sequins on the hem of her dress sparkled beneath the moonlight like ruby gemstones. If someone thought she was beautiful before then he should think again because now she looked bewitching. She opened her mouth to speak but I stopped her by keeping my palm on her lips;

"No one can see us now..."

I said as I slowly removed my hand while unknowingly the tips of my fingers brushed against her lips. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart and cleared my throat - with tucking a strand of her hair away from her face as it kept coming and I added;

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