Letter 15

137 9 3

Dear Dad, 

I lost X Factor but I am proud of being one of the last two people left. I know that you would be proud of me. The song I sang is called Carousel by Melanie Martinez and after the finale she called me and we've been friends ever since.

Other than that I really love London and maybe I could go to Uni here. I know that I wouldn't be living in our home anymore but I mean I need to move on. It would still be my house I just won't be living there right now.

I also have been getting great grades in school and I am on the  Honor Society and I am on the honor roll which is great. I have a boyfriend now and his name is Sarim. Grandma Tricia set us up together and I couldn't be more happier. He is a really nice guy and I can't help but feel you would like him. He is kind of like you in a way. Fun, energetic, compassionate, and he always put's me first.

I know I am only 16 but I feel as if we are going to be together forever :) I'm taking him to meet you and mum today.

Love you bunches,

Em xx

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