Letter 14

140 9 1

Dear Dad,

Today is my 16th birthday. Time flies really fast doesn't it? I feel horrible for not writing you for about 3 years but I think I've moved on for the most part.

The way I look at it is, what happened happened and there isn't anything I can do about it. Yeah I am sad because you are gone but I can't let your death be my main priority anymore. I spent all my time being sour about you not being here that I forgot that I had such a great support system behind me.

Niall and Demi got married and I was her maid of honor besides Ciara. Aunt Demi found out that she's pregnant with a baby boy and Niall insisted on naming him 'Nandos' but of course he was just messing around. Uncle Harry got married to Natiyah about two years ago and they both are living in London with a baby girl named Darcy.

They both seem really happy together and they visit as often as they can. Uncle Liam bought a new house and is keeping our house nice so that I can live there if I want when I am 18. The best thing about it is that it's already paid for so I don't have to worry about rent and what not every month. 

I auditioned for X factor a couple of months ago and got in. I am still in Mullingar but I will going to London soon for the finale. I think that you would be proud of me dad.

I will write again soon when I have a few minutes.

I love you Daddy,

Em xx

(A picture of Em is on the side)

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