Letter 11

134 7 2

Dear Dad,

Today has been a bad day for me and I don't know why. I feel as if someone punched me in the stomach every time I think of you.  I've been laying in bed listening to these for walls by little mix. Mum's band.

Uncle Niall is worried because I haven't eaten at all today and I keep locking my door. I wonder what it would be like if I had one more night for goodbye. Maybe I wouldn't hurt so much.

I've been looking through your sketch pad and all the way in the back I found the picture you were sketching for my 10 birthday. It's still unfinished and It will always stay that way. I decided that I am going on X factor and sing just like you and I were planning. I haven't really been singing lately because so much has happened but I promise you Daddy that I will make you proud of me.

Natiyah, Uncle Harrys girlfriend is coming tomorrow to have a girls day with me because I guess the family feels like I need it. Maybe I do. I don't know anymore.

Olivia came over for awhile too keep me company but had to leave soon after because she was going over to her dads for the weekend. Too bad I can't do that. The closest I will be too you is laying next to you on your grave.

No more goodnight kisses. No more extreme karaoke sessions. No more midnight ice cream runs and worst of all no you.

Sometimes I wish that I was in your place because I wouldn't be alone. Why did you have to go get me that birthday present daddy? This is my fault if you never would have left to get me that autographed poster from Ed Sheeran you would still be here. This is all my fault. I am so sorry Dad. I let you down.

I need to go because I am smearing the ink with my tears.

I love you so much Daddy,Em xx

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