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[Church-Cemetery]. "We are all gathered here on this night to honor the life of Jazmine King. We are all feeling deep sorrow for this woman who had her entire life saddened with the loss of her loved ones & corrupted by a evil ghost that turned her into a murderer but on this day me & my little brother have watched the actions of a woman being unleashed against the Dragon Triad & bringing justice within New York City. We are all gonna miss her not because of her negativity but because of her positivity. I can remember the days when I would walk in the Sirius Company, where my little brother, Jazmine & I used to work at when we were detectives & out of the blue she would walk up to me & hand me chocolate cake that her mother used to love making for all of her friends. I don't care what sort of way I be feeling she would always bring me a piece of her mother's chocolate cake. I won't miss the cake but I sure am gonna miss Jazmine King & her entire family. They were always family to me & Zachary, when we both lost our parents. May Jazmine, find peace up in heaven", I tearfully say as Zachary, walk up beside me with tears streaming down his face. "I never imagined that I would have a friend in my life who eventually became more like a little sister to both me & my big brother. I um never been very good with words but I will do the very best I can. Jazmine, was beautiful, smart, wise, funny & fun to be around. She always knew how to make people happy even on the roughest days. Whatever problems I may had she always would come to my aid & try to help me with anything I ever needed. The three of us always had fun on Fridays. If we ever needed a drink we would go to bars that had the best of alcoholic beverages at such awesome prices. We also we to clubs where we would have the time of our lives dancing on the dance floor & some of the time she would even dance with me & my big brother at the same time. I"m sort of loss for words because I can't think of anything else to say. I miss her so much", Zachary, tearfully say before he pull out a handkerchief & begin wiping his eyes. "New York City has become a peaceful place to live in once again because of a vigilante that rose up from evil & used her powers to eliminate a deadly threat known as the Dragon Triad. I pray that all of Jazmine's sins be forgiven so she can join her entire family that went before there own time when they had other things that they had many options for. No one could ever figured out that a evil ghost was the reason for Jazmine, to become a killer against the many abusive men that the law was suppose to keep locked up behind bars. I thank Jazmine King, for making this city a wonderful place & I regret not being able to do anything for her once her entire life went downhill. Jazmine, will forever be missed. There won't ever be another one named Jazmine King, who would be able to use supernatural powers against the forces of evil", Judge Harrison, say before she look at the black glosses coffin that contain the body of Jazmine King, who eventually will be missed by so many people. "Do anyone has anything to say before we bury Jazmine King, six feet in the ground so she can sleep peacefully", Judge Harrison, ask all of us in which no one say anything with everyone & everything suddenly going silent. "Well in that case on this very sad day we will bury Jazmine King, in the gravesite that has been dug up just for her so she can lay peacefully beside her husband Taylor King. "May our Lord, welcome our dear friend Jazmine King, into heaven", Judge Harrison, say before the pallbearers carefully lay the coffin containing Jazmine's body six feet into the ground as many include myself & Zachary, begin wiping away our tears from our eyes. "Amen", Judge Harrison, Zachary, me & everyone say at the same time. "Rest in peace", I say as the pallbearers begin putting dirt on her coffin which signals the end of Jazmine King's funeral & the end of a woman who did her role into saving her homeland within New York City, a peaceful place to live. "We all will remember the woman you always was", Zachary, say before he start walking away as some of the crowd begin to get smaller by the minute until I become the only person left staring at the gravesite of Jazmine King, until my little brother comes back. "I suppose your gonna stay here for a very long time", Zachary, say to me before I pull out a cigar from my left pants pocket & put it up at my mouth. "I would love to stay here forever but Jazmine, wouldn't want me to remain here standing at her gravesite. It's hard to just leave someone who was like a little sister in my life even though there were times when I would feel a different way for her. At least she is at peace & I will forever keep the memories of her always in my heart", I say to Zachary, before I pull out a lighter from my left pants pocket & light up my cigar that I take a few puff of until I give it to my little brother who enjoy taking a few puffs of my cigar also. "I feel the same way your feeling also big brother. My feelings for Jazmine, was the same way also but I always loved her like a sibling within our family just the way her family loved us before they died at the wedding which changed her entire life. I can see Jazmine & her husband Taylor, up in heaven holding hands with a smile on there faces as they wrap there arms around each other while many people watch with happiness", Zachary, say to me before we both lay red roses & blue violets on her gravesite. "Rest in peace", Zachary & me both say at the same time before we both walk away knowing that our best friend Jazmine, is at a better place for eternity. "I'm finally free from your possession & no longer will my life be corrupted by you", the angel of Jazmine, say to the ghost of Banshee, as they both stand face to face with each other while many people grt in there vehicles & drive off from the sad funeral that lasted three hours. "You are still on my contract so apparently I will be able to possess your fucking corpse & mold your appearance into me. Your body will become me & I will use your body to bring vengeance upon this entire world even if I have to travel down to hell & defeat Satan, so his throne can be mine", the ghost of Banshee, angrily say to the angel of Jazmine, who charge up a orb of light within her hands just as the evil ghost charge up a orb of darkness. "I am protected by the Lord, who is the creator of all living things. I am a angel of heaven. My body was always a shell that Lord, created with his own image for storing my soul but now that my body is slowly returning back into the form of sand I am no longer on your contract. The misery you caused me is about to wipe you out from existence. You will now reap what you have sown", the angel of Jazmine, say to the ghost of Banshee, before they both fire there orbs at each other that collide into a engulfing sphere of light & darkness until the orb of light consume the orb of darkness & eventually wipe Banshee, from existence avenging the death of her entire family & her husband once & for all. "Consider your existence & your contract...erased", the angel of Jazmine, say to the ghost of Banshee, as her entire family along with her husband Taylor, appear behind her one by one.

AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(Well ladies & gentlemen this is the very last chapter within this book. I hope you all enjoyed this because I put my best intentions into this creation. I thank you all for reading this & I am a glad that I was able to finally complete this story just for all of you. Luv u all.✌✌✌💜💜💜)-

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