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[Courthouse-Entrance]. "Lastnight in this very courthouse many hours ago the judge has made his decision for the fate of Jazmine King, who is also known as the 'Black Hooded Reaper' & has found her not guilty on any charges. This morning Jazmine, was requested by the judge to return for what people call a act of redemption that started three hours ago. What you see behind me is a huge crowd surrounding Jazmine King, who is about to say a important message to the population of New York, that is now being lively broadcasted to numerous tv channel all across New York City", a female Broadcaster, say to everyone who may be watching on there televisions or listening to there radios. "Ladies & gentlemen of New York City, I would like to thank all of you for supporting me. I have gained the help of FBI, ATF & SWAT against the Dragon Triad who we are about to eliminate by any means necessary so the civilians of this wonderful city can be safe again. I have business to attend to right about now so I thank you all for allowing me to get a chance to do what's necessary", Jazmine, say before three black SUV's start showing up with there windows down & there guns pointing out toward everyone standing around the courthouse. "IT'S THEM! EVERYONE GET DOWN", Jazmine, shoutingly say to all of us which many of us are lucky to do so as the Dragon Triad members within the three black SUV's before they drive off in a hurry leaving a few if not many people laying around dead except for me, Zachary, Jazmine & also the tv broadcaster. "We need to catch up them asap", I say before someone pull up in front of us in a black Dodge Challenger Hellcat. "I got the weapons in the back seat in three separate briefcases. I want the three of you to lead the SWAT, ATF & FBI to the Dragon Triad", the Guy, say before he get out as Jazmine, Zachary & me get in the car. [Dodge Challenger Hellcat]. "Thanks for giving us this car but don't forget to get the ambulance over here asap", Jazmine, say to the Guy, before we speed off in hot pursuit of the Dragon Triad within them three black SUV's. "Do you need a weapon in one of these briefcases", Zachary, ask Jazmine, as he pull out dual shotguns from my briefcase that he pass up to me which I take before I place them both in my lap. "No. I'm prepared. I can summon weapons. I have a black pistol named 'War'. A white pistol named 'Peace'. A black submachine gun named 'Order'. A white submachine gun named 'Chaos'. A rocket launcher named 'Crisis', a riot shield named 'Impact' & a dagger named 'Cutter'. I'm always prepared", Jazmine, say to Zachary, who pull out dual submachine guns from his briefcase & lay them on his lap before two out the of black SUV's appear out of nowhere & start chasing behind us with a police helicopter & multiple police cars chasing behind them. "I won't be much help with only my left arm being useful", I say before Jazmine, lean over to me & grab my right arm. "Allow me to repay my debt for what I accidently did to you", Jazmine, say to me before she release a green colored glowing light around my right arm that begin to strengthen the fractured bones & attach it back together like it never been broken. "Did you just heal my right arm", I ask Jazmine, who lean away from me & focus her attention on driving. "I did. Hang on you two. I'm about to have this car reach a speed of 120mph", Jazmine, say to me & Zachary, before she mash on the gas pedal with the two black SUV's closing in on us from both sides. [Dragon Facility]. "We only wanted Jazmine King, to arrive not all types of fucking cops. Give the cops hell so watch your fire. We want Jazmine, to arrive without a scratch on her", Alexander, say to his huge army of assassins. "Fire the rockets from your rocket launchers now", Alexis, say to her huge army of assassins who each do as both of there leaders commanded them before they unleash a barrage of rockets from there rocket launchers like meteorites that bring havoc & destruction on every cop vehicle including the helicopter & many innocent civilians caught in the impact. [Dodge Challenger Hellcat]. "This shit has to end now", Jazmine, say as she stretch her left arm out of the driver's side window & summon her rocket launcher 'Crisis' within her left hand before she shoot the rocket at a random window on the dragon facility. "Multiply baby", Jazmine, say which make the rocket split into hundreds of small mini missiles that hit random areas of the dragon facility destroying parts of the building & also many assassins as well before she stop near a smaller building where she drops me & Zachary, off at. "Be careful you two", Jazmine, say to Zachary & me before we kick down the door. "You do the same", Zachary, say to Jazmine, who start driving off deeper into the territory of the Dragon Triad's base before me & my little brother storm in the smaller building. [Dodge Challenger Hellcat]. "Please come back to me Desmond & Zachary", Jazmine, say before she stop the car & get out as she get surrounded by a the army of masked assassins of the Dragon Triad each wielding all sorts of deadly weapons. "You are a tough bitch to kill. Today you'll be going to hell with your husband. Where are my motherfucking manners? I'm Alexis Wang, your opponent. We are both gonna fight to the death until one of us is left standing. If I win then I get to kill you but if you win then the assassins surrounding you get a chance to kill you. You're brave for coming here but also foolish for allowing the vengeance for your husband blind you", Alexis, say to Jazmine, who take off her dress clothes that she wore for court & reveal a black tight bodysuit underneath. "So how do you wanna play this game", Jazmine, curiously ask Alexis, who pull out one of her daggers & throw one of them down at the ground near Jazmine's feet. "We'll do it this way if you don't mind", Alexis, say to Jazmine, who pick up the dagger & get ready to battle with Alexis, in a last man standing match as the sound of shooting can be heard in the background. "How about to begin this little match of yours", Jazmine, tell Alexis, who run at Jazmine, tempting to slice her across the throat but it end up missing by the quick thinking of her opponent. "I'm gonna enjoy killing you you bitch", Alexis, say to Jazmine, before they both collide dagger against dagger & dodge each other's attack as the sound of sirens & incoming cars from the SWAT, ATF & FBI draw the surrounding assassins attention from the fight between Alexis & Jazmine & toward them instead with the battle between the two women becoming bloody. "This is for my family & my husband you've taken away from me", Jazmine, angrily say to Alexis, as she throw the dagger on the ground & summon her katana called 'Destiny' within her right hand before she shove it through the assassin's mouth & out the back of her head killing her instantly but decide to make it even gruesome by slicing it down the middle of her body spilling brainchips, organs, blood & bones all on the ground. "KILL HER", Alexander, say to the remaining members of the Dragon Triad assassins who each follow his order only for them to suffer at Jazmine's hands once she summon 'War', 'Peace', 'Order', 'Chaos' & 'Crisis' via magic that she have aimed at them unleashing hell of bullets. "I'll kill that superhuman bitch on my own", Alexander, say before he start running behind the remaining assassins until he is able to to reach a door & activate a unknown machine that unleash a rain of shuriken into the air. "A rain of shuriken. Allow me to send them back at you by force", Jazmine, say as she emit a barrier around her body to protect herself from the lethal deadly rain of shuriken that fall down all around her until her protective barrier along with her summoning guns suddenly vanish leaving her vulnerable to remaining shuriken that lodge themselves in her arms & her back severely injuring her in the process which make her fall on the ground with agonizing pain shooting all through her entire body & blood pouring out from her wounds. "Ahhhhh shit! I'm so fucked now! I can't fucking move at this rate. What has happened...to my powers", Jazmine, painfully ask herself as she struggle to get up only for a katana to impale through the right side of her back further injuring her to the point that she begin to black out. "I hope to see you in hell", Alexander, say to Jazmine, who open up her eyes & see the remaining assassin holding a katana in his right hand preparing to impale her. "My vengeance...[coughing out blood]...is done regardless", Jazmine, say to Alexander, who get ready to finish the job by killing her but doesn't get a chance when a bullet most likely from a sniper hit him in his head killing him instantly with his body falling on the ground with blood & part of his brain spilling out. "I'm...ready to...[coughing out blood]...join my family & my...[coughing out blood]...husband", Jazmine, say as she struggle to keep what's left of her life still alive when me & Zachary, arrive by her side. "Hang in there Jazmine! Don't you die on us", I say to Jazmine, as I get on my knees & drag Jazmine's weakening body against my leg with her head laying in my arms. "WE NEED A AMBULANCE QUICK", Zachary, shoutingly say to the paramedics as the FBI, SWAT & ATF go from building to building checking for any signs of any surviving members of the Dragon Triad that they're gonna kill. "I have won this battle...[coughing up blood]...thanks to both of you", Jazmine, say to Zachary & me as I rub the right side of her face with my left hand that she keep in place. "Save your energy. Help is coming. Your gonna make it. Just hang in there", Zachary, say to Jazmine, who lay her right hand over top of his right hand. "It's too late...for that. I'm ready to die. I...love you...both...always", Jazmine, say to Zachary & me before her eyes slowly close shut with her heart no longer beating within her chest. "Jazmine. Jazmine! Jazmine!! Jazmine", Zachary & me both repeatingly say only to get no response from Jazmine, at all which make us realize that she is dead before we both start shedding tears from our eyes that fall down our faces until we notice the soul of Jazmine, holding hands with the angel of Taylor. "I've been waiting for you. Are you ready to enter heaven", the angel of Taylor, ask the soul of Jazmine, before they both look at us with smiles on there faces. "My job in New York, is finally over. I am ready to go to heaven with you my love. Carry me to the wonderful place beyond the afterlife", the soul of Jazmine, tell the angel of Taylor, who lift up his wife off the ground & carry her with him through the shining light that close behind them. "Farewell Jazmine", Zachary, tearfully say before he look down at the body of Jazmine. "May you find happiness within heaven", I tearfully say before I look down at the body of Jazmine.

AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(😭😭😭😭😭why did it have to turn out this way for Jazmine, after she been through so much hell with blood on her hands because of the evil ghost Banshee, who caused all of this misery within her life? I'm speechless but at least she managed to bring the murderers of her family & her husband down without any mercy & without the control from a possessive ghost. I wonder what caused Jazmine, to all of a sudden loose her powers. Could it been that the contract ran out or did it have something to do with Banshee? That's a mystery that no one will ever know. Well get ready for the next chapter ladies & gentlemen because Jazmine's funeral is tonight😞😭😭at 7:00PM & you are all invited📝📝📝to come.)-

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