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AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(Even in reality it is a shame how much hurt & sorrow that any devastating violence can cause to a countless number of so many people & that is why I decided 'TO DEDICATE' the previous chapter to the many people who lost there lives from all sorts of violence in this real world all across the globe. May our God, keep all of you who have suffered from tragedies in this reality wrapped & safe in his arms. I love you all. Feel free to comment me back on my profile 080253h or my gmail. Thank you all & godspeed.🙏)-

-(2 Weeks Later)-
[Hospital-Patient Room]. "A few weeks has passed but it feels like a few months since I no longer have my husband, my mother or anymore of my family members in my life. They are all gone from my life forever because of murderous shooting of the Triad who came & ruined my fucking life forever like we were nothing but worthless animals fitting to be slaughtered. I should've died on my wedding day but I had to be one of the few people to be spared from such a dying fate. All I've been doing from that terrible day was lay in this hospital bed with IV lines running through my veins & watching many doctors come in with the same questions they always ask me everytime they walk in through the door. The more I think about the ones I've lost only make me feel guilty of not being able to save the husband I thought I would surely have a future with along with the rest of my family that I figured would support me whenever I needed it. I have no one & nothing. Why must I suffer this way?! What more do I have to loose in my life", Jazmine, thoughtfully ask herself as tears fall from her brown eyes & down her face before she look up at the ceiling & notice a red-haired naked white woman floating down toward her with wide-open arms. "Now death is about to come for me. Such splendid timing. I can finally die & not give a fuck about how anyone feel about my demise", Jazmine, say as the Red-Haired Naked Woman, give her a soft kiss on her lips before she place both of her ghostly hands within Jazmine's head & start replaying all of her memories like a holographical movie until everything enter a time freeze except for the female spirit & herself. "You no longer value your own life my dear? You want to end your very own existence just because you lost the ones that meant something to you? As much as I would love to see you do something you'll regret, I'll only be wasting such a suitable host who is worthy for the taste of vengeance in the form of blood", the Red-Haired Naked Woman, say to Jazmine, as she look from one holographic memory of her past to another until when she end up seeing the replay of her wedding becoming a bloodbath massacre that make her turn away with tears streaming down her face. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME ALL THIS?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME", Jazmine, shoutingly ask the Red-Haired Naked Woman, who start laughing even as she place her feet on the solid floor. "My name is Banshee & what I want is for you to reach a new level that only I can grant you", Banshee, tell Jazmine, who give the female spirit the middle finger as a response for not giving a damn of what she may need. "Sorry but I refuse to take any fucking advice from a female ghost so do me a favor & get out of here", Jazmine, demandingly tell Banshee, who laughs in response before she unleash a spell on Jazmine, who try her hardest fighting through the flashback of the bloody wedding that was involved in until she eventually starts to give in to it judging from the look of her eyes that change from her normal brown to a dark shade of pink. "You have my full attention. So what is it that I must do? I Jazmine Maxwell-King, is all yours", Jazmine, say to Banshee, who summon a contract & a red pen out of thin air & throw them down on Jazmine's lap. "The contract that I placed on your lap contains many abilities such as immortality, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman stamina & superhuman senses that will suit your taste. The reason I'm willing to give you these powers is because you are the only one who I've witnessed suffered at the hands of violence which is why my mission for you is all about you gaining your revenge on the ones responsible. All you have to do is sign this contract & on the very next night you will be ready to begin your very first mission", Banshee, say to Jazmine, who look down at the contract & grab it with her right hand & the red pen with her left hand before she gets ready to write her signature only to have a cut occur on her left thumb that cause a spill of blood to splat right on the signature line she was about to write on. "Is that good enough", Jazmine, curiously ask Banshee, who grab the contract & red pen from her smiling with delight. "Oh that will do just fine. Thank you very much for accepting this special offer. Now you'll forever become my worthy host for my spiritual body", Banshee, say to Jazmine, before she invites her ghostly self within Jazmine's body by traveling through her mouth until she is fully in. "I am finally able to do what needs to be done at last. I'm Jazmine, Jazmine, is me which means we are one. Our mission is to stalk the night as a killer who slaughters abusive men who take there own powers to abuse women & girls. The law never keep abusive men in jails or prisons for eternity so I'll just have to step in as a murderous vigilante killer by taking the laws into my very own hands", Jazmine/Banshee, tell herself with a evil grin on her face before the freezing of time run normally like nothing ever happened. [Sirius Company-Office Room]. "I have some news about the um tragic incident that happened two weeks ago at the wedding we we're also in boss", Zachary, say as he keep knocking on the door. "You may come in", I tell Zachary, who open the door & close it shut before he walk up to the office desk & lay a big stack of papers on the desk since my the former boss of this company told me seven months ago that if anything ever happens to him that he is willing to pass it all up to me after I got promoted into a senior detective ten days before Jazmine, made an appearance as a rookie. "Was I interrupting anything boss", Zachary, curiously ask me as he take a seat in the nearest chair closer to me on the right out of the chairs stationed around the long wooden rectangle table. "No. Not at all. Does any paper within this stack has any information on the two assholes responsible for the wedding massacre", I ask Zachary, who sips on his cup of hot coffee as I grab the stack of papers & slowly begin skimming through it page after page. "It sure do big brother. You're almost close to the paper that has the information on who we are looking for", Zachary, respondingly tell me just seconds before I come across the paper he was talking about that has the information on the ones responsible. "The Wang Twins named Alexander Wang & Alexis Wang, who are both from Shanghai, China. Both have been convicted & found guilty in just about almost every area of China. Both are dangerous assassins of the Dragon Triad & there list of illegal criminal activities for both 'Wang Twins' are drug trafficking, weapon trafficking, women trafficking, sextapes, prostitution, robbery, kidnapping, murder & mostly assassination. These two are both dangerous so if you ever come across them do not try to capture them by yourself or with a small group of forces but instantly call a huge squad to assist you & the permission to kill them both is highly recommendable", I say from what information has been printed on the paper until there is nothing else for me to read. "What the hell is a pair of twins trained in the arts of assassination within the Dragon Triad from China, doing all the way over here in New York", Zachary, curiously ask which make me wonder myself but nothing seems to add up. "I'm starting to wonder if our former boss Taylor King, who is now longer living on Earth has some sort of illegal connection with the dangerous mafia but I can't expect to just go by a wild ass guess. Things like this needs to be investigated until we get do to the bottom of the case", I say as I stare at the pictures of the 'Wang Twins' with a burning rage boiling up from within me because of the things they done & probably still doing with no one within New York, safe to be outside walking during the day or the night. "What should we do? We can't continue to sit on our asses & act like them two killers aren't a major factor who need to be put down for every cold-hearted things they have done. What do you suggest that we do", Zachary, curiously ask me before I get out of my seat after I place the stack of papers hard on the table as flashbacks of everything that happen during the wedding that ended so many lives start to replay within my mind like a nightmarish movie that I'd unfortunately have been dealing with every since that day until the flashback vanish away slowly when my little brother place his right hand on my left shoulder. "Them flashbacks again still bothering you aren't they big brother", Zachary, ask me in which I respond back with a simple nod which make him shake his head with deep concern. "I only have nightmares about it when I fall asleep so your not alone. The only person who is truely suffering very hard from everything that happened on that day is my colleague Jazmine, who is still laying in the hospital reliving it every single day which is tearing her apart. I don't know how long she's gonna continue to go through it. She didn't deserve that tragedy from two weeks ago", Zachary, say with sorrow in his voice before he sip some more of his cup of hot coffee. "I agree. No one in this world need to suffer but unfortunately violence will continue to run it's course just like the world will continue to spin. Hold on a sec-. You're almost sounding like Jazmine, might commit suicide sooner or later", I say to Zachary, who fold both of his arms before he look at a picture of Jazmine, that Taylor, took of her on the day she got promoted into being a junior detective just a year after she first joined the company. "That is one thing I fear when it comes to Jazmine, but what mostly scares me the most is if she decides to become a vigilante which is very dangerous for someone like her to be especially given her current condition & the nightmare she witnessed on her wedding day", Zachary, tell me before he walk out of the office room which give me something to be thinking about until the idea of eliminating the 'Wang Twins' flood my mind. "I fear that Jazmine, may become a far dangerous threat than even the 'Wang Twins' should she enter a psychotic thirst for blood in the form of a killer bent on vengeance", I say hoping & praying that something like that doesn't be born in the body of Jazmine, before I look at the picture of Jazmine, who is just smiling with a promotion certificate held within her hands. [Hospital-Hallway]. "Tomorrow night will be when the killing against abusive men begin & I know exactly where to have my fun at hahahahahaha...", Jazmine/Banshee, say as she continue to walk down the hallway after she use a spell to erase the memory of herself from the minds of every nurse within the hospital with just a click of a finger.

AUTHOR'S NOTE TO Y/N-(What do you think will happen in the next chapter now that it is two major situations in this story? The first major problem consist of two 'Wang Twins' of the Dragon Triad that have a taste for assassination & the last major problem consist of Jazmine, who is now possessed by a female evil spirit bent on becoming a killer with a taste for vengeance against the murderers of her deceased husband & also against abusive men. Hmm who knows😱? Anyway thanks for supporting me & please put a shine on the star below & don't forget to comment me back✉✉✉💬💬💬. Thank you all😎😎.)-

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