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[Sirius Company-Shooting Chamber]. "Your shooting has finally reached the professional level that you always wanted little brother. Your finally up there with the big dogs now", I say to Zachary, as I load my pistol before I also start firing off a few rounds at paper target until I unload all of the bullets from my pistol. "It's about damn time too. I really hated being the last person near the last rank of expert shooting. I have a feeling that we're gonna finally find out who the 'Black Hooded Reaper' really is", Zachary, say to me before Dr. Veloski, walk in the room. "I was hoping to bump into the both of you in the office but instead I catch you guys in here getting in some target practice", Dr. Veloski, say to Zachary & me before she find a chair to sit down in. "What did you find about the body of the escaped prisoner that we found killed in the abandoned warehouse", I ask Dr. Veloski, which make her cross both of her legs before she situate her glasses. "I don't really know how to say this to the both of you but the evidence & the DNA that you collected for me to analyze gave us a suspect & sadly her name is Jazmine King", Dr. Veloski, say Zachary & me that shock us completely since we both just don't wanna believe it even though anything based on DNA never lie when we are in desperate need for finding a suspect or suspects before I start shaking my head when everything that we know beginning to make sense. "Are you absolutely sure", I curiously ask Dr. Veloski, who respond to me by nodding her head before I look at Zachary, who start punching the brick wall with his hands until his knuckles bleed. "I didn't want to think of anything like that we experienced on such a wonderful day that turned evil would transform Jazmine, into a killer especially when she enjoyed working her ass off as a detective with high standards. I guessed I should've figured something was way off when we both met each other in the coffee shop", Zachary, say before he start pulling out a bottle of pills from his detective jacket that he get ready to take until I smack it out of his hands. "What the hell do you mean?! You told me that you met her at her house. Never mind where you met Jazmine, because that no longer concern me but what I would like to know is why in the hell are you still taking these fucking opiods! What the fuck is the matter with you", I angrily say to Zachary, before I grab him by the collar of his detective jacket & slam him against the wall. "Let me go big brother! You have no fucking idea how these pills make me feel! They are the only things that make me fully energetic to come to work & do my fucking job! It's that good high that I can't let go! It's better than going to a club to fuck a woman in order to satisfy my fucking need but I don't expect you to agree with me at all! Opiods is my best friend big brother & you should try it as well", Zachary, say to me as he try to push me off him so he can breathe. "Like hell I will! The only thing that I wish I could do right now is put my foot in your ass but that would only go against my law! I tried my best to keep your ass of such devilish drug but I guess I can't help someone who is trying so hard to get his ass fucking killed! Get the hell out! YOUR FIRED", I angrily say to Zachary, who push me off him before he start ripping off his detective jacket & throw it down on the floor. "You can't fire me big brother because I ready to come to you & tell you I quit. You just did me a favor big brother. Now I can have all the opiods I want & there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it", Zachary, say to me that anger me to the point that I start fighting him until it turn out into a brawl before Dr. Veloski, get in between us & break it up once she deliver a powerful slap across both our faces. "Stop it both of you. I didn't come here to tell you the truth just so the both of you have a brawl against each other", Dr. Veloski, say to Zachary & me before she walk out of the room. "Have a nice life big brother", Zachary, say to me before he storm out of the room which leave me standing in the room by myself with two important people I care about so much on my mind. My little brother Zachary, is taking opiods that almost killed him five years ago & my best friend Jazmine, has turned from a detective into a killer. I can't stand by & watch them both die in front of my eyes but I doubt they will take my advice & get help. What advice would you give me Taylor, if you were still here", I say before I walk to a chair that I decide to sit down in as a strange vision enter in my mind involving me watching Zachary & Jazmine, both look at me with tears falling down there faces until they turn around & start walking into the bright light of the afterlife with me begging for them not to go while I try to run after them. [Jazmine's House-Bedroom]. "Damn. I took a shot of brandy, a shot of tequila, a shot of margarita, a shot of vodkha & a shot of whisky. I feel very good. I finally got my revenge by erasing the dirtiest rapist from the face of this world", Jazmine, say before she pass a bottle of wine to Banshee, who grab it & drink it until all of the wine is gone. "That was super tasty. I'm glad that we managed to kill Ladies Man, as well. He deserved every bit of torment before you killed him. Celebrate your glorious vengeance", Banshee, say to Jazmine, before she get off the bed & walk near the window. "Is something the matter", Jazmine, curiously ask Banshee, as she try to get herself together before she pull a black pair of jeans upon her legs. "The 'Wang Twins' are both standing outside with a army of members within the Dragon Triad prepared to kill us baby. Don't worry about them. I'll help you do what you can", Banshee, say to Jazmine, who open up her drawer & pull out her white pistol 'Peace' & her black pistol 'War' before she run out of her bedroom fully focused on killing them all until they are each laying in there own pool of blood. [Jazmine's House-Front Yard]. "This is the address. Let's go bring honor to our fallen comrades that the bitch inside the house killed", Alexis, say to every member of the Dragon Triad beside Alexander, who unsheath his katana. "Let's give her a blasting party", Alexander, say to every member within the Dragon Triad before Alexis, shoot the rocket from the rocket launcher that bust open the front door to pieces along with some of the living room. [Jazmine's House-Kitchen]. "You motherfuckers picked a good day to visit me", Jazmine, say as she trade her black pistol 'War' & her white pistol 'Peace' for her black submachine gun 'Chaos' & her white submachine gun 'Order' before she start unleashing bullets against the Dragon Triad killing many in the process with them responding by shooting at her also but none of there bullets proving effective enough to kill her because of her supernatural powers as Banshee, fly from member to memeber killing them by using a spell that cause internal bleeding until the SWAT arrive on the battle scene which make her fly out of a body & return next to her host. "I'll get your black hooded-jacket so we can get the fuck out of here. We attracted even more problems", Banshee, say to Jazmine, before she run into the bedroom to get her host's black hooded-jacket that she return with. "It's obvious that Desmond & Zachary, both finally know who the 'Black Hooded Reaper' finally is. I always knew that they would eventually", Jazmine, say to Banshee, who put the black hooded-jacket on her host before she charge up a pink blast within her right hand that she aim at a group of SWAT members. "YOUR NOT GETTING NO ONE INTO CUSTODY TODAY MOTHERFUCKERS", Banshee, say before she fire off the pink blast at a group of SWAT members that kill them instantly which make Jazmine, punch the female ghost in her face. "I don't believe in killing innocents but you couldn't help yourself! Get inside my body so we can get the hell out of here", Jazmine, angrily say to Banshee, who wipe the blood from around her lips before she enter into her host's body. [Jazmine House-Front Yard]. "Didn't expect to have uninvited guests to just show up", Alexis, say before she pull out a smoke bomb. "It doesn't matter. We both can't do anything about it but escape", Alexander, say to Alexis, before they both throw down smoke bombs to the ground which engulf a huge cloud of smoke that isn't only enough to help them escape from the SWAT but also Jazmine/Banshee, who stand on the roof of her burning house overlooking the SWAT until she decide to leave the scene as well after she finish absorbing the souls of the many dead Dragon Triad members via a spell that she killed.
AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-(I actually loved the idea I added in this chapter because things are going in there own pace just like I wanted it & that make me feel very happy. I should've thought of this story for Halloween but it never popped in my mind before or during the month of October for me to start this masterpiece but oh well👄👄. Sorry for this part being short. I'm just so ready to get to the rest of the next chapters that I wanna publish before I can finally have it completed. Please vote & comment on this if you desire to do so. Love you✌.)-

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