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[Church-Cemetery]. "Forgive me for coming here my love but I just felt like it was necessary for me to do so. You must be shocked, confused & angry about the murderous things that I'm doing to abusive men & also what I have become eversince you left me here so soon. I would sacrifice myself right now if I could just see you again but the woman that you fell in love with isn't the same woman anymore. I will always have my feelings for you deep in my heart & our memories deep in my mind but my life is changing from good to bad & I can care less about how I decide to live my life from this point on. If you hate me then I understand. I can feel a disturbance between your gravesite & me that is trying to keep me away from you that is hard for me to explain. I became the 'Black Hooded Reaper' & I have been owning it for my own reasons since the day I started killing on nights like this one. I now enjoy the taste of blood & the screaming from my victims as I torment them until I finally decide to end the killing game. I'm a sinner who will always be remembered as the 'Black Hooded Reaper' even after my death. I forgive you for the sins you did but never ever forgive me of my sins", Jazmine/Banshee, say to the gravesite of her deceased beloved husband Taylor King, before she turn around only to see many cop cars pulling up on the church grounds & a helicopter flying above her with its shining light beaming down on her. "GET AWAY FROM ME", Jazmine/Banshee, shoutingly say to all of the cops before she slam her hands down on the ground unleashing a pink flame beam that burst outward from her in the directions of north, south, east & west that destroy anything that the flame beam touches. "TAKE HER DOWN", a Cop, orderingly say to the other cops that follow his command before they all start shooting at Jazmine/Banshee, who maniacally start laughing as she absorb the bullets into her skin which make all of the cops stop shooting when they realize that the woman they are shooting at is no normal person. "Now it's your turn assholes", Jazmine/Banshee, say to all of the cops as she summon her submachine guns 'Order' & 'Chaos' within her hands via magic before she levitate herself off the ground in a spinning fashion shooting every single cop with headshots with perfect accuracy until she look up at the helicopter above her & desummon her submachine guns. "I got something special for you. Consider yourself very lucky to have a blast during this party", Jazmine/Banshee, say to the Cop & the Pilot, within the helicopter as she summon her Rocket Launcher she named 'Crisis' before she shoot the rocket at them blowing them up to pieces along with there helicopter. "I AM THE 'BLACK HOODED REAPER' MOTHERFUCKERS", Jazmine/Banshee, shoutingly say as she emit a pink flame aura around her entire body that burn all of the bullets that she received before she summon her dual pistols 'Peace' & 'War' along with her dual swords 'Life' & 'Death'. "I SHALL ERADICATE ALL COLD-HEARTED SINNERS WITHIN THIS WORLD SO THIS WORLD CAN BE CLEANSED", Jazmine/Banshee, shoutingly say as the army along with the cops appear on the church grounds to capture her alive or kill her while I remain sitting on the step of the church still like I did before my colleague even arrived since I guessed what her next location would be. "We are all sinners. Everyone one has sinned. We're not perfect", I say to Jazmine/Banshee, who quickly turn around to my direction with her dual swords aimed at me before she use a spell that stretch the blades to impale themselves into the church on each side of my face that scare me to death. "Desmond. What the fuck are you doing here?! If your here hoping to stop me then you might as well give that up. I am fucking unkillable & with this power I possess I can finally avenge my husband's death by killing all of the ones responsible for taking him away from me", Jazmine/Banshee, say to me as she use a spell that pinpoint her submachine guns into shooting at the soldiers & cops behind her before she start walking toward me until we are both face to face with each other. "This isn't you Jazmine. I recognize you & I don't recognize you. What have you become", I ask Jazmine/Banshee, who look at me with a evil smirk as she use a spell to return her enlarged swords back to there normal size before she desummon them away. "What are you talking about Desmond? It is me Jazmine/Banshee. Do you need me to prove myself to you", Jazmine/Banshee, ask me before she attempt to kiss me on my lips that I manage to quickly stop her from doing once I put my left hand over her mouth. "No. This isn't you Jazmine. What your doing is wrong", I say to Jazmine/Banshee, who begin taking off all of her clothes revealing her naked body before she get down on her knees. "I'm not wrong. The assholes responsible for turning me into a psychopath are the ones who are wrong. THEY TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME! MY FAMILY IS GONE! MY HUSBAND IS GONE! EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS MUST BE WIPED FROM EXISTENCE! IT'S MY PURPOSE! IT WHAT I WAS GIVEN A SECOND CHANCE TO DO WITHIN THIS WORLD! I WILL...ah...ahh...what is this agonizing pain boiling from within my fucking back?! It fucking hurts! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH", Jazmine/Banshee, shoutingly say the moment a pair of large pink feathery-wings erupt violently out from her back which send a outbursting powerful gust of wind everywhere that make the top of the trees almost touch the ground & many of the houses blow over completely. "Don't make me do this. I don't wanna kill you but I can't continue to let this go on any further. This bloodshed must end", I say to Jazmine/Banshee, with my pistol aimed at her trying to figure out if I should kill her or spare her life before she turn around to face the cops & soldiers. "You are the enemies to me the 'Goddess Of Death' & I will erase you from existence", Jazmine/Banshee, say to cops & soldiers as she trap them all within a pink cube before she have them consumed by the pink flames once she snap her right finger. "What the hell am I doing? Bullets ain't gonna do shit to her", I say before Jazmine/Banshee, turn around to face me. "I have no intension of killing you. I refuse to kill you or Zachary. I have this deep feeling for the both of you that won't go away from my heart", Jazmine/Banshee, say to me as she transform her large pink feathery-wings into large pink hands that she use to pin each of my arms high above my head against the church's door in submission before she wrap her arms around my neck & press her lips against my lips which trigger a vision within my mind that contains the true mastermind behind Jazmine's evil ways along with many or her killings until she end the kiss which also end the vision. "Your possessed by a evil ghost spirit called Banshee. Now it all makes sense even more. You are Jazmine, not Banshee. You must remember who you are. Don't allow a evil ghost rule you", I say to Jazmine/Banshee, who emit a barrier around herself that show holographic images of her entire life from her birth to what she is now that make her fall to her knees. "I am... I am... I am...the 'Goddess Of Death' you fucking bastard & don't you forget it", Jazmine/Banshee, say to me before she sink her teeth into my neck & start drinking some blood from me until she stop. "Listen...to me. You can't continue to live like this. If I'm talking to Banshee, then my words to you is that you won't control her forever & I pray that you vanish from Jazmine's body & never return. If I'm talking to Jazmine, then my words to you is that you have the power to be yourself without all of the evil that has taken control of you. I believe in you & I always will. Never give up & never give in", I say to Jazmine/Banshee, who get ready to kill me with a heart punch but stop herself from doing so before she turn around & fly off into the night sky just as rain begin to fall. "My right arm feel like it's crushed. Ahh it fucking hurts", I achingly say as I hold my right arm that is definetly crushed entirely from the powerful grip of them large wings that Jazmine/Banshee, transformed into large hands", I say as countless army forces, cops, ambulances & multiple helicopters start arriving on the scene that in my mind is gonna be very easy for me to explain but very hard for them to understand which in my mind will lead me to either get locked up for a crime I didn't commit or quit from my job as a boss of Sirius Company, because of my serious bonecrushing injury that can put me in a bad situation. "Put your hands up in air", a Cop, tell me which make me raise only my left hand in the air as I get down on my knees holding my broken right arm that continue to ache. "What a weird night", I say before I get a clear view in the far distance & notice Jazmine/Banshee, standing on the rooftop of the Sirius Company, shooting a pink beam in the sky while her large pink wings flap back & forth. [Clinic-Waiting Room]. "Perhaps my big brother is right about opiods killing many people. I can't keep living this way. I need a cure for my opiod addiction & this is the only way I'll be able to do so", Zachary, say before he walk down the hallway with many other opiod addicters following behind him so they can also be cured from the intoxicating pills that has been responsible for so many deaths of so many innocent people of all ages & genders.

AUTHOR'S COMMENT TO Y/N-[I dedicate this chapter for three reasons. Reason#1 is that we all suffer when we loose someone in our lives but we should always remember them good memories of them each & every day & be proud that they are in a great place. Reason#2 is that many people are addicted to opiods that are what I would call devil pills because they kill people that become addicted to them. It's always such thing as getting help for any addiction. Reason#3 is that some of us go through many disorders that make us stressed but believe me when I say to you that there is always a way out even if the way is small. For some reason I feel good giving my heartful advice to you because many things in this world are happening that some of us may not understand & I'm not judging anybody. I care about everyone because that is how big my heart💜is.]-

BANSHEE: KILLER INSTINCTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora