( 𝟎𝟎𝟕 ) on the road again

Start from the beginning

Zoe looked up at him at his words, only to see him looking right back at her already, causing her to smile slightly, at the fact he seemed to be opening up to her a little more, as she had been trying for months to get him to talk to her, and he had never been interested, that is, until now. She was wondering what had changed in him, but she wouldn't question it, she was just happy he was finally talking. Their longing gazes was interrupted by Rick, who shouted his daughters name, "Zoe!" He yelled, having finished deciding what to do with Jim and needing to set off once again to the CDC. He saw that she was conversing with the youngest Dixon, and he didn't exactly know how to feel about it due to the fact that Merle and Daryl weren't the best examples - so he knew that he had to keep an eye on Nate if he were to befriend his daughter.
Back when Zoe was just turning sixteen, he had a hard time keeping her away from boys, as she had been wanting to be 'that girl', but with the whole town knowing that he was the sheriff, it had been pretty hard for the girl, so it had made his job easy.. He just wished he wasn't going to have to step in.

Zoe turned around to see everyone gathering back in their own vehicles, as Daryl was a walking towards her and Nate, to get on his motorbike, which sat besides the vehicle she and Nate were currently sitting on, which was T-Dog's.
She took one last look at Nate, giving him a soft smile, before jumping down and jogging after her father, hopefully to finally make it to the CDC.

As they pulled into the abandoned city, the engines all cut off as the group looked around at the old war zone. Bodies lying everywhere and empty gun shells on the ground - it was a sight that Zoe had never seen before, and it was haunting.
Gathering together, Shane looked around the group, "All right, everybody." He said, holding up his shotgun, "Keep moving. Stay quiet." He ordered, causing the others to nod at him.

The entire place looked like it had been bombed, with dead bodies scattered everywhere, walker and normal. Glass shards were scattered around, as well as rubbish and broken down cars that looked like they had exploded. Zoe had never seen anything so horrible before, if this wasn't an example that the world had ended, she didn't know what was. She looked besides her to see that Nate was walking close besides her with his cross brow drawn, causing her to sigh in relief, now feeling safe with him there.

With a deep breath, she took hold of Carl's hand, who was walking besides her and held a tight grip on him, as the group started to walk towards the main building of the CDC, which had looked completely abandoned.. Rick was at the front of the group, with Shane closely after. They had both tried to lift the shutters on the front doors before grunting and stopping when they didn't move. It made the group fear that they had made the wrong choice.

"Nothing?" Zoe asked in fear, still keeping her tight hold on Carl, not wanting to let go, and him not wanting to, either. No one liked being in the city this close to dark, as it was incredibly dangerous.

"There's nobody here." T-Dog called, feeling exposed in the city.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick asked, as Daryl turned and noticed a few walkers in the yard, heading straight for them after noticing they were alive. He held up his crossbow in preparation for them coming.

"Walkers!" Daryl called, as he and Nate began to take them down, one by one, shooting arrows in their heads. They made sure not to make too much noise, hence why they weren't using their guns. Nate and Daryl were probably the best when it came to stealth, being able to take anything out silently - they had their childhood to thank for that, with their countless hunting trips and surviving in the woods away from their abusive dad..

Daryl then turned to Rick and started yelling at him about making the wrong call, causing the kids to start crying in fear that they were going to die. Zoe pulled Carl tighter into her as she looked around at their surroundings in fear. They couldn't be stuck in the city this late at night, it was too dangerous. Nate glanced back at her to see that the girl was scared, and he didn't like it one bit - he wished that they hadn't come here, it had obviously been the wrong choice. But it was a chance that Rick had to take, so he didn't blame him one bit.

"Rick, this is a dead end." Shane told Rick, moving back towards the shutters with his gun held high. He knew they should have gone to Fort Benning, if only his friend had listened to him.

"Where are we gonna go?" Carol asked in worry, clinging onto her daughter for dear life. Zoe was the same with Carl, not letting him go under any circumstances. She wasn't going to risk it, and the fact that Rick was concentrated on getting the main door to the building open, meant that she needed to step up and keep him safe.

"She's right, we can't be this close to the city after dark." Lori spoke up, as she kept grips on both of her children.

"Fort Benning. Rick, it's still an option." Shane pleaded with Rick, as that is where he wanted to go in the first place. He knew he should have thought harder with the decision - he thought that he was the better man for the job of being the leader, and he wanted to prove that. He will prove that.

"On what?" Andrea asked. "No food, no fuel, it's one hundred miles."

"It's one hundred and twenty five, I checked the map." Glenn cut in, reloading his weapon in case he were to need to use it. Daryl and Nate were still shooting walkers heads, as they approached, fast, and more kept coming.

"Forget Fort Benning, we needs answers tonight. Now!" Lori snapped, as Carl started to cry more.

"It's okay Carl." Zoe soothed, as he held onto her with dear life - he was terrified.

"We'll think of something." Rick told them, stressing out.

Everyone started speaking all at once, telling everyone to move and get out of the area, it was all a big panic. That's when Rick noticed something, as Lori started to pull both of her kids back to the cars. "The camera. It moved." He spoke up, keeping his eyes on what he believed to be a working camera.

Shane was pleading to Rick to get a move on, as Nate walked up closer to Zoe to stand next to her protectively, But Rick wouldn't budge, even with everyone's shouts. "I know you're in there!" He shouted at the camera, slamming on the shutters, acting like a crazy person.

"Rick, there's no one in there!" Lori pleaded. She rushed towards Rick to calm him down, but he wouldn't budge; he was dead-set I'm getting the doors open to keep the group safe.

Zoe held onto Nate's arm as Nate stood in front Carl and her, to stop any walkers from getting close to them.. "You're killing us!" Rick yelled.

"Come on, brother." Shane shouted, attempting to pull Rick back.

"You're killing us!" Rick shouted once more, with more volume.

They all started to run away from the building and back to their cars, to hopefully survive the night and get away from the city, when suddenly, a loud noise from behind stopped them all, causing them to pause in their footsteps. When they all turned around, a bright white light was illuminating on them, as the doors to the CDC opened, Zoe cried in relief, maybe they would survive another day.

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