Chapter 6

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It was about 4 o'clock when I got home from school.

I went into the kitchen to grab some food. I only can eat a small part of food in the world because I have food allergies. I'm lactose intolerant and allergic to gluten which pretty much is the worst thing ever. If I eat anything containing gluten or dairy my throat swells up and I can't breathe. I have to keep this medicine stuff with me just in case that happens..again

I unraveled the bag containing gluten free bread and reached in for 2 pieces. I went into the refrigerator to grab some grape jelly and peanut butter. I made my pb&j, put it on a plate, and walked over to the dinning room table and sat down.

As I was eating my food I looked at my phone and saw someone calling me. It was Taylor.

"Hello?" I ask


"Whatcha need?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if were doing anything later tonight?"

"Um,. let me check."

I am a very forgetful person. So whenever I plan something or to do something I always have to write it down usually in the calendar I have on my phone.

I scrolled through my apps until I came upon the calendar. I clicked it and the current day to see if I had anything written.. and I didn't!

*I put the phone back up to my ear*

"Ya I'm free."



"Oh, oh ya, I was just excited and lost my train of thought there for a sec."

"Hah, ok?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the Lakers basketball game later tonight?"

"Just as friend, right?"

"Uhh... ya, sure, I guess."

"Ok cool, ya I would love to come!"

"Ok awesome! I will be there to pick you up around sixish. K?"

"K, see ya then!"

I hung up the phone, put my plate in the sink, then ran upstairs to take a shower.

I take like 1 hour showers, which I know, is bad. But it's only cause I put on full out concerts for the shower head plus plenty of encores.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapped myself with a towel, then checked to see what time it was. It was around 5 o'clock by now, so I rushed into my room and into my closet to find the perfect outfit to wear.

I chose a short, flowy, floral, pink and black dress and paired that with a light wash denim jacket and a pair of strappy black sandals with gold detailing. I did my makeup and straightened my long brown hair.

By now it was almost six, so I grabbed my wallet and sprayed my pink berry perfume on my wrists and rubbed them together. Then heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see that it was Taylor.

"Hey, ready to go?"

"Yeah. Just let me grab my purse."

Taylor's POV

When she opened that door I was in shock. She looked so beautiful. I think my jaw actually dropped for a split second.

She grabbed her cross body purse and walked out of her house as I held the door for her. Because you know me. such a gentlemen. Am I right ladies..

I opened the car door for her, she got in, I walked around the car to the drivers side and got in.

Tara POV

"How long until we get there?" I asked

"Oh 5..10 minutes."

"Okay, great."

We didn't talk much mainly because I was on the phone with Shawn. He had called me just to check up on me like he always does. I tell him about my day, he tells me about his, etc.

By the time I ended the call we were there.

We walked up to the ticket booth to get our tickets. Tay insisted on paying for me but I didn't let him. I had the money and I don't have to support my family with it so I payed for him too. Not a big deal at all.

We looked down at our tickets to see what seats we got. It turns out that we were in the very top row.

"Ugh, were so far away." he said disappointedly.

"It's ok, at least were here. right?"

"Ya, I guess."

He asked if I wanted anything from the concession stand. I agreed and this time he paid. We got some popcorn for himself and I got candy.

We walked into the arena where the basketball game was held.

The players were warming up by shooting free throws and such.

We took our seats right as the game began.

It was so much fun. We were cheering, yelling, throwing popcorn. It was crazy!

The half time buzzer rang and the entertainment then came out. It was a bunch of acrobatics doing amazing flip tricks. They ended a little earlier than expected, before half time was up, so the announcer just let everyone rome around and talk until we saw something pop up on the big screen.

It was a couple and above them was the words in big letter. "KISS CAM"

Everyone started to chant kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss. So they did.

They did a few more kiss cams until the announcer yelled this.

"Okay, we are going to do one more kiss cam... drum roll dun dun dun dun!and the lucky couple is!"

He pointed to the big screen, I followed his hands to it, then stopped to have my heart drop inside of me. My face was on there... and so was Taylor's.."

Taylor looked at me right as everyone started to cheer the iconic

"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss."

I looked at him.

Our eyes met, and he leaned in towards me. He puckered his lips and closed his eyes, before anything I moved my hands in front of my lips to block the kiss.

It ended up with his lips on the back of my hand.

"Aaahhhhh." the crowd booed

Taylor opened is eyes with disbelief.

"I'm sorry." I said as I ran away from him and out of the stadium.


Hey guys!

I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter. I want to start having more characters in the book. So if you have any suggestions as to who that would be great. I could also put your own name in it if you would like.. just message me or comment☻☻☻


Bad Boy(Taylor Caniff and Matthew Espinosa Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora