Chapter 1

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It was 8:0o a.m when I knocked on Lexie's door to pick Matt and her up to go to school.

"Matt! Tara's here to pick us up!", Lexie's screamed into her house to get Matt attention.

Matt soon after Lexie yelled that ran down stairs and out the door with us.

He looked so cute today because he was wearing a navy blue shirt, which I think looks best with his big brown eyes and nice brown hair that is perfectly placed on his head.

"Let's go guys, you take forever", Matt said sarcastically as he opened my door to let me in my car following up with a short, quick kiss on my cheek.

"Wait I forgot my backpack in my room, I will be right back".

That left just me and Matt in my car together in the back seat alone since Lexie usually drives , which is weird because it's my car.

"Tara?" Matt said looking me right in my bright blue eyes.


"Can I tell you something".

"Of course, you can tell me anything".

"What if I told you that..."

"Ya?", I said in a sweet way while I batted my long lashes.

"I L--", he was interrupted from Lexie coming out the door with her hot pink back pack.

"Whatcha guys talking about", Lex asked while putting the key in the ignition and then turning it and driving off.

"We were tal--" I started

"Oh nothing", Matt interrupted

"Okay", Lexie replied in agreement

I was confused. I didn't talk to anyone on the way to school because I was thinking.

*what was Matt going to say?*

I had no idea! But I just forgot about since I had more to worry about. I had a math test today and I was determined to ace it considering that I was a straight A student. Always have been always will be!

"Okay class today you will be taking a math test!" Mrs. Dallas said to our class

Then suddenly the classroom door slammed open!

In walked or, how he was walking, in strutted a boy. My age, brown hair with a tie dye bandanna wrapped around his soft brown hair line and tied in the back. He had a leather jacket on that had silver studs lined across the lining of it, and ripped denim jeans that fell over his black boots.

You knew that he was one of those boys that thought that they were " too cool for school" and were considered... Bad Boys.

"Hello and who might you be?" Mrs. Dallas asked him.

"I'm your new student Tay."

"Okay.. "Tay" what your full name?"

"Taylor Caniff, accent on the N", he replied in a disrespectful manner.

"Ha", I muffled.

I guess he heard me because he ended up in front of my desk staring straight into my eyes saying, "And who are you ?"

"I am.. Tara."

He put a smirk on his face then walked away.

I think I smiled a little too...👀

"Mr.Caniff will you please take your seat next to the lovely lady you just talked to. "

He sat down at the desk to the right of me.

Mrs. Dallas soon handed out our test and number 2 pencils to everyone.

I pretty much finished that test in record time while everyone else was still on like question 10.

Everyone was finished with their test at least 10 minutes after me, except for Taylor. I think he was still on question 9 when I looked over. From what I saw I think he had no right answers yet.

The bell rang about 10 minutes later and our class was dismissed.

After class I was walking to my next period when I felt something brush up against my arm. And of course it had to be Taylor.

"Hey sweet cheeks!" He called to me.

"My name is Tara."

"I like mine better. Anyways, where ya heading?"


"Hey me too!"

I didn't reply back to him because I just found him so annoying to me. I can't stand people who are just so full of themselves like he is. I hope I don't have to talk to him ever again.

Ya once again I was wrong...


Hey guys

So this chapter ended up being less exciting than I thought. I will try harder next update to make it more interesting.

> if you would tell others about my fan Fic that would be great<



Bad Boy(Taylor Caniff and Matthew Espinosa Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن