Chapter 3: Failure By Foot

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  " What, what going on? Why have you taken me?" I demanded immediately to the man who abandoned me one day.

" My lady, your father sent guards to get you, I am one of them, but I must take you elsewhere then what I am in need to do." I feel my eyes water as I blink a few times, feeling the tears stream down my face as I looked straight ahead as he carried me to an unknown place.

" Elbert what has happened to you?" I softly say as I rubbed my fingers along his arm feeling a bumpy line, a scar.

" A lot my lady thou I wish not to speak of it. My lady may you keep still." I closed my mouth sealing my lips in the progress as I didn't want Elbert to regret not taking me somewhere that my father wants me to be held. He must want me to be held closely to him until I am fourteen for my results.

He must be a proud father for a family of one.

Elbert sets me down as we stop, I rub my low heel into the ground for a whole to be made, dirt. Why are we on dirt, shouldn't we be on stone or a carpet?

" We're standing on dirt for what reason?" I held my hands out, trying to feel for anything, but there was nothing around us or from what I've come across with.

He places both his hands on either side of my arms, slowly squeezing it as a sign for comfort before giving me a quick embrace before backing away as I heard the mushing of the dirt that had a small mud spot.

" Emilia, you no longer are save in this palace, your father has gone mad with you proclaiming you as a witch who must be sentenced to death." I freeze, as I bring my cold hands to my mouth as I feel my eyes welting up by the news.

My father doesn't love me.

" Where am I?" I feel his eyes as if almost glaring at me. Have I made him upset?

" Someone's coming, quickly my lady, if you turn to your left there is a dirt path that goes straight, run quickly with your ears open. As for your location we are two gardens behind the hidden garden, so at the corner of the land before you flee. Run my lady." I am running away? Feeling anxious and flying sparks at the sudden strong emotion I begin moving my feet to my left before pausing for my last question.

" Is Emma dead?" My throat closes up on me feeling a painful pain in my chest uttering those words.

" I'm afraid so, quick My lady! They are coming closer, run! Run!" He loudly whispers to me, I then turn my back to my home as I begin stomping my feet against the dirt following the path into the woods I'm assuming that I am forbidden from.

I heaved coming to a stop as I bent down to remove my low heeled shoes before taking fifteen steps to my right before I dug my shoe in the ground creating a hole before placing my shoes in and covering them up before jumping on top to flatten the dirt to appear normal. I then took the same number of steps back before turning to my left as I continued running before hearing soft clanks of metal making my eyes widen.

Their coming.

I quicken my steps as I ran for my life, I continued hearing the clanking growing louder and louder and eventually I heard a man yell " Stop where you that's an order!" I didn't listen, but I knew I had to get off the path so I darted off to my right holding my hands out in front of me trying to guide myself, but that became useless as I ran into something bulky, knocking me off my feet as I fell onto my back. I scrambled to get back onto my feet as I held my hands out touching the bulkiness before feeling around coming to realize that I've come in contact with a huge tree trunk. I turn my head slightly when I hear soft running footsteps, though I didn't have enough time to run as I was pinned to the floor by a guard as I heard soft clanking in the distance.

" Remain silent or we will be forced to execute you. Tell the king that she has been found!" The man yells as he stands up, I slowly stand up, I hear multiple men walking off in different directions confusing me as I didn't hear the closest man to me move.

" Come along now." I hear the man's voice say, I feel conflicted, having a gut feeling that something was not right which I was correct as I walked into another tree before turning to my right as I held my hand up to the tree until I moved away from it, I then fell over one of its roots knocking me to the ground.

" Oomph! May- may I have someone lend me a hand?" I mumbled as I heard the guards laughter before a pair of footsteps approaching before I feel myself being lifted up, I hold my hands out to feel out the man's hands before grasping onto his wrist gently.

" Where am I being taken to?" I softly ask hoping that they wouldn't shut out my question by yelling.

" To the palace where your father awaits." The man who was guiding me spoke softly as I stared off at the comforting soft dirt that hugged my toes.

" Are their flowers?"

" SILENCE!" I jumped back slightly not realizing how close the other guards were as the man in front of me is the one who screamed. I feel the dirt disappear being replaced by stone after a few minutes of walking before my guide removes my hand from his wrist leaving me to have my feet guide me just as two guards shove me forwards making me stumble having my knees hit the ground painfully before I am lifted back up by a man's hand before I am led to what I am assuming is the main entrance feeling a cold pair of eyes staring at me.

" Emilia what a pleasant surprise."

 Well so much for running away

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Well so much for running away. Let me

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comments on her character. What kind of

person does Emilia strike as? Let me know

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