Chapter 1: Blind Spot

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    I sit up pulling the covers down as I stared ahead of me, all I could see was blackness that I've been accustomed to for almost my whole life. I actually went completely blind five years ago, having one day just waking up to total blackness- I couldn't even see my fathers face or my caretaker. I vividly remember that day as if it were yesterday having myself screaming at my caretaker Emma who held me as I began crying, I kept asking her why I couldn't see her and she lied for my fathers sake saying how a witch magically casted a spell over my eyes and that one day I would be able to see again.

   I laughed out loud, I was such an idiot to believe her for three whole years before I overheard my father speaking to three people, that I couldn't recognize their voices or the way they walked. I lift my hands swiftly to remove the thick blankets leaning back a bit to plant my feet on the cold ground. When my father found something out he moved me off to the hidden garden that was heavily guarded, one of them being Elbert a friend of mine who walked with me, and helped my get accustomed to the changes in my life, but one day he suddenly disappeared too without telling me goodbye and I still wonder to this day on what had happened to him.

  I stand up knowing where everything was, as I waited for someone to walk in to help me dress; although not actually dress me, I would at least get the basics of clothing on, but pinning that horrible dress what the impossible task for me as I tried when I was little but I only ended up with two bloody hands.

I wish my father would just accept me for who I am.

  I suddenly sneeze feeling my hands freeze as I hear a loud csh! Making me flinch, I hear the door open slowly making a soft creaking noise making me look in the direction of where the door should be.

" My lady- I assume she takes a bow." I recognized the voice as Emma's making me stare blankly as where I think her face would be, she was never a tall woman actually, she was fairly short from what I could remember she had soft wild blonde curls that would always annoy her as she mentioned it once to me when I was adapting to everything. I could recall myself laughing softly as I leaned my head on her shoulder telling her that's what we had in common, annoying curly hair that refused to be tamed.

" My name is Emilia, Emma. Please call me Emilia."

" Yes My- Emilia. Shall we get you dressed? I see your still in your sleep wear."

" Yes I actually just happened to wake up a minute ago, sorry for the noise."

" Oh it's not a bother really. Here you go Emilia, tell me if you need help I will be turning around now- she slaps the wall softly letting me know she's placed one hand on the wall before repeating it again letting me know that she wasn't looking as she began to softly make noise as she drummed the tips of her fingers against the wall to let me know that she was still facing the wall- giving me some privacy and freedom as I dressed myself.

" I have finished now Emma." The drumming stopped as I hear her soft footsteps walking slowly towards me making sure I put everything on right before walking into where my wardrobe would be located.

" What dress will I be wearing today?" I ask out of curiosity. I haven't worn a blue dress in some time, perhaps she would pick a blue dress, as I've been wearing all kinds of green and purple dresses in different shades.

" Just to change it up for you, I decided to go with a blush pink dress, now don't worry I'll look gorgeous!" She cheerfully said as she clapped her hands out of excitement, I slowly make my way over to I heard her clapping as I held out my fingers to feel the fabric against my cold hands.

My eyes widen slightly as I tilted my heads up to where I think she would be, standing next to me, she moves my head slightly to the right before mumbling a "There we go," making me smile softly.

" Thank you Emma. This dress feels so soft, what is the material?- do you know?"

" Uh- not quite, I'm not very talented when it comes to naming fabrics Emilia, I'm afraid." I wave my hand slowly in the air as I drop the fabric from my hand as I turn my back to her holding out my arms giving her access to put my dress on.

" Don't worry, I'm not that great at it either." I try to comfort her, I actually know most of the materials, but this, this was fancier material then what I would usually wear.

Something you would wear on a special occasion.

" Emma, what is today's event, by chance?" I stare straight ahead. I frown thinking, I just couldn't come up just anything. What I do know is that tomorrow there is an auction for trade, an event held twice a year.

" You've already forgotten Emilia? What a shame.. today is your exam for your mentally! Aren't you excited?" My frown deepens, is today really the special day everyone has been waiting for? To me this day was torturous, my father always spoke of this day, I would sometimes overhear his conversation when I managed to escape my holding cell, I'd call.

  He always said " my daughter will be the next ruler." Or perhaps on his bad days he'd demand that something would be done to me if I do not get his color, which was violet. I remember I would always struggle to find my way to the garden as I was crying my sadness and stress away until Emma found me and lectured me, before consulting with me about my father telling me that he must be talking about his second daughter, which I knew he didn't have.

" I'm stupendous actually," I said blandly as I looked down at the floor.

  This was it.

           It was time for my judgement.

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