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Omg, this story has reached 1K votes!!! Thank you all so so so much for sticking with me through the journey of writing this book, I'm so grateful for all the reads, votes and positive feedback this book has received. I wouldn't have gotten this far into a story without you guys, the instant votes I always get after a chapter makes me happy to see in my notifications.

As for news on a next chapter, I had someone PM me asking about this, I'm not really sure. My grandparents are over for a couple more days and it is Christmas break, so I haven't really had much time to write. I do have an idea for the next one, so probably sometime after New Year I will get working on it. Thank you all again for supporting me through this book, it makes me so happy to know that people actually enjoy my writing (cheesy I know but no judging people). 😃❤️🐶❄️🎄❤️❤️❤️😃🐶😃

P.S Hope everyone had a merry Christmas 😄🎄🎁❄🎅

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