Surprise Visit

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Hello guys and welcome back to another chapter of this story. If you didn't read my message I sent to my followers eariler on the 23, then I'll say it again at the end of the chapter. Until then, enjoy!

[Mitch's PoV, Another week later]

Ty and I are both about 17 weeks along, only 33, at most, weeks to go. You can definitely tell that it's not just fat on both of us anymore. Everything's starting to show it from our stomachs getting bigger to our appetite growing immensely. Our fans have definitely been ones to just help us so much. When it's about 2 weeks before 35 weeks when is the earliest we could go into labor, we have decided to start a fundraiser to help us raise money for stuff like food, clothing, and a bunch of other baby things. Today was another day spent like normal with recording, editing and uploading videos. 

However, during a recording of Hunger Games with Jerome and Ryan, the doorbell rang but we both decided to let someone else get it. Although, through Jerome's end I could hear someone open his door and some talking. While that was happening I saw that he got killed.

"Uh guys. Remember when someone rang the doorbell." He asked.

"Yeah, how could I not forget considering it happened only a few minutes ago." Ryan said back.

"Well, apparently it is for me and there is someone there and considering I just got killed, I think I should go now so, brb." He said. I heard some shuffling from his end as he got up and left. I wonder who it was.

[Jerome's PoV]

It's weird thinking that I have a visitor. I normally don't get visitors, especially after I moved out of my parents house and into the Team Crafted House. I got downstairs to see someone sitting in the living room who I haven't seen in years. It was my very close cousin, Katie. She looked slightly different but pretty much all the same. She is about a year younger than me so that means that she is 19 years old by now.

"Oh my God. Kate! I haven't seen you in forever and a day." I said while going over to give her a hug.

"Yeah I know. I saw one of your most recent update videos and I was wondering if you saw my comment and I came down to see if you were ok." She said.

"What exactly did you comment? I might've saw it but I don't exactly remember. But to be honest, I remember things better by the username. What is it again?" I asked.

She slightly laughed and said "My username is horses496 and what I said was, and I quote, I hope you know that your mom and dad in a way have disowned you now." 

That hit me hard. My parents disowned me.

"W-What. W-Why? Did they explain things to you?" I asked softly, my voice showing that I was about to cry.

"Yes. They said that they needed a chance to talk it over and calm down then they will talk with you but it may be a while. They also said that you already had the perfect girl and as much as they love Mitch like their second son, they feel that it's not right. Hopefully they come through though." She said, hugging me because she could probably tell that I was on the verge of tears. I started crying into her shoulder probably soaking the black sweatshirt that she was wearing.

I heard footsteps come down the stairs and I was taken out of my cousins' arms and thrown into another. I opened my eyes slightly to see that it was Mitch and he was cooing me so that I could talk. I cried for another minute before breaking apart from the close hug and staring into his eyes.

"Jerome? What's wrong? You know I hate to see you like this." He said.

"M-My parents disowned me Mitch." I told him.

"Aw biggums. Why?" He asked but then I saw his attention get caught somewhere else for a moment then he turned back to me. "But first, who is that girl and what is she doing here?"

"First of all, that's my cousin, Kate. You remember her right?" I asked. Realization hit his mind as he remembered.

"Oh my god yes. I haven't seen you in forever. How have you been?" He asked her while going in for a hug.

"I've been good. And you?" She asked back.

"I've been better. You know, not going through something normally girls would go through." He joked. We all laughed and Mitch turned around back to me. "So, where were you?"

"Oh right. My parents disowned me because of the fact that I had a perfect girl for me and now, even though they love you like their own son, they don't think it's right that I'm dating you and that I somehow got you pregnant even though we're only 20 years old." I said.

"Oh biggums. Everything will be alright. Trust me." He said while bringing me into another hug. I cried into his shoulder while Kate had her hand on my back. I look up and at Mitch into the eyes. I felt Kate remove her hand from my back as Mitch gave me a gentle and sweet kiss in which I happily kissed back to in a matter of milliseconds. I heard Kate aww behind me and in my head I rolled my eyes while keeping them closed. I leaned Mitch back slightly when he suddenly pulled away from the kiss with a slight, yet soft yelp.

"W-What's wrong biggums? Did I hurt you?" I asked, scared for him and our child.

"No, I'm perfectly fine, more than perfectly fine. I think I actually felt her kick." He said. My face went from worried to excited and happy once he told me that. 

"Wait, are you serious? Please tell me you're not joking." I nearly begged.

"I think I'm pretty serious. I read somewhere that the person who is pregnant can start feeling the baby moving as early as 16 weeks and I'm on my 17th week." He said with the biggest smile I've seen on him since he found out that we were gonna be daddies. I hugged him again with glee. 

"Eh em." I heard Kate mumble from behind me.

"Sorry you had to witness that." I said to her, face becoming red.

"Its fine really. I think you two look cute together. Well, I best be going. Gotta catch a flight tomorrow and everything. My parents already booked a room in a hotel nearby for me as soon as they heard I was forced to come down here and talk to you. Believe it or not but they actually wanted me to convince you to go back to Jasmine but as soon as I saw you two together, I knew there wasn't a chance that I could convince you to go back. They just might kill me but eh, as long as something makes you happy, then I'm happy. I'll see you guys and talk to you guys later and Jerome, try calling or to text me sometime." She said as she left.

"Ah man. She is just the way I remember her. So nice and caring for others. I think she would make the perfect girl for any one of us, of course if all of us weren't dating someone else. Wait a minute, Jason isn't dating anybody is he?" I asked Mitch.

"I don't think so. Not of recently that is." He replied.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked with a smirk.

"I think I am." He replied, returning my smirk. For the rest of the day we made a plan to hook the two of them up together. Afterwards we laid down and went to sleep.

Hey horses, it's ok if I hook your OC up with Jason right? Thanks. Anyway guys hope you enjoyed that chapter and the video is just me doing the Ice Bucket Challenge because one of my friends challenge me to it so that's the video of me completing it. Hope you enjoy that and until next time, this is bikergal12 and I wlll see you guys in the next chapter! BYE!! :)

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