Minecon Day 1

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Hey guys so I'm back with another chapter and I have a few things I would like to say but I'm gonna say them at the end because I know how eager you guys are to start reading this next chapter so, by all means, I'm gonna take this chapter under way.

[Jerome's PoV]

It was finally the time every Minecraft Youtuber has been waiting for, Minecon. All of Team Crafted were on a plane and in first class. You could imagine how much of a mess was made in there. Not as bad as I would've thought but I still felt bad for the flight attendants and after getting luggage, I gave snuck over to the front desk and gave the woman there two $5 bills and whispered "Give these to the people taking care of first class on flight 357."

"Of course I shall do that. How was your flight by the way?" She asked as I was about to leave to catch up with my friends.

"It was fine, now if you excuse me," I started looking over at my friends and back at her to see her writing something, "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Oh uh, nothing. What were you saying again?" She asked.

"Well, I was saying that I have to catch up with my friends, I'll see you later." I said and with that I started to leave until I felt her put something down my shirt. I grabbed it and looked at it to see that it was a small piece of paper with a name and number on it. I turned back to her and she gave me a flirtly wave plus a wink. I rolled my eyes and put it in my pocket and ran to at least catch up with Mitch. All I wanted to do this weekend was spend time with my guy friends away from girls like Jasmine because this hasn't happened in a while where I'm away from her for so long. The only girls I wanna see this weekend are fan girls, and the other girls that work on Youtube like Ashley, and Tiifany (IHasCupquake). Not to be flirted by girls who probably don't know who I am.

"Hey biggums. What took so long?" Mitch asked as I caught up to him and walked his pace.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to make the fligth attendants in the first class area feel important so I gave the woman at the desk two 5s and told her to give the money to the flight attendants. Then, when I was about to walk away, she atemted to flirt with me and even gave me her number." I explained, pulling out the woman's number. Mitch took it from my hand and glanced at it.

"Let me help you with this." He said while stopping to crumble the paper up into a tiny ball and throwing it into the nearest garbage can, sinking it.

"Wow, that was a serious power move right there biggums, If you keep working it and power moving like that all weekend, I may never live through the whole weekend." I joked while chuckling along with Mitch. He seemed so nice and flawless. I was still unsure of how I felt after Mitch kissed me a couple weeks ago. I'll never forget the feeling of his lips on mine. Sometimes I would even dream about it.

'No Jerome. Stop thinking like that. You are straight and engaged for crying out loud. You don't need to be falling for your best friend right now. You are happy and that's final.' I thought to myself. I knew I was right but somewhere, deep down in my heart, I felt as though I do like Mitch more than just a friend. Maybe, just maybe, deep down, I do have feelings for him, small right now, but it could easily grow over the course of the next 4 days. I will be sharing a room with him, Ty and Adam are sharing a room, Quentin and Jason are sharing a room, and Ian is gonna be sharing a room with his girlfriend, Maddie. I am so looking forward to these next few days to come. I have my best friends, and close to $500 with me to spend freely.


There you guys go. So these next few chapters will be different PoVs of Minecon and it may get boring at some points, but then there will be other points where things will be juicy.

I hope you guys ejoyed and if you don't follow me, you probably don't know about my Youtube. youtube.com/bikergal13 check me out. Anyway, until next time, this is bikergal12 and I will see you guys in the next chapter! BYE!! :)

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