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Despite not being able to wrestle, I was on my way to the house show. I had being home since Tuesday, and since then have been going insane. Teddy was confused as to what I was doing home, as was my land lady who feeds him whilst I'm on the road.

I missed Adeel.

I hadn't seen him since Monday. I didn't text him as I didn't know when he was with his family. I was nervous for the next mixed match, it's in Chicago. His family always comes and watches. I feared that I was falling for him, falling in love.

Resting? x

I looked down at my text as the taxi driver drove me to the arena. Adeel didn't know I was coming.

Sadly x
- Calista

You need to rest, little roo x
- Adeel

I know but I miss you x
- Calista

He didn't reply after I sent that. I paid the diver as he pulled up, walking around the back. I walked past people as they waited for their match, eying me as I passed them. I wore jeans and a cropped tee shirt, not being able to handle anything touching my ribs.

"Little roo?" I turned around seeing Adeel in his ring gear. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he light wrapped his arms around me.

"I got bored."

He shook his head at me and lead me to his locker room. "When's your match?" I asked.

"Just finished" he smirked at me. "How are the ribs?" He asked me as he started to change.

"Good" I said, smiling. Adeel gave me a look. "Painful" I looked down.

"Want to go to dinner?" He asked me, doing up his bag.

I nodded, "sure." I wondered if I had scared him with my text.

"You can stay with me since I'm sure you just flew out" he said as we walked to the car, his hand holding mine.

I smiled up at him, he knew me. Maybe this what was I had been looking for, someone who knows me. Jake didn't, jake used me. Before I was just a wrestler proving a point, now I'm Mustafa Ali's secret girlfriend wanting to be champion. His hand held mine as he drove, his thumb gently rubbing my hand.

I was beginning to love him. I think I already did.

We stopped outside a diner, it looked retro and 50's style. I took in a breath as I went to move, my ribs reminding me they were broken. The door opened and Adeel waited with a smile, holding my hand as I got out.

"You okay?" He whispered as we walked into the diner.

I nodded, my ribs hurt but there was something else. Something didn't feel right. He didn't look convinced, but lead me to a booth without saying anything.

I leant against the window, the cool glass bringing ease to mind. Adeel sat next to me, his arm around my waist.

"Is it bad that I want a full breakfast" I mumbled, leaning into him.

"Why would you want breakfast at night?" He asked me with confusion. "Haven't you been eating?"

I shook my head, "I haven't been hungry." Lately I was never hungry. I heard Adeel sigh but he didn't say anything else.

He ordered for me as the waitress came over, ordering me a full breakfast, praise all day breakfast. We cuddled in silence, Adeel looking ahead whilst thinking. He went to say something but the waitress returned with our drinks.

He watched me as I drank the strawberry milkshake, my latest obsession.

"You don't like strawberry" he looked at me suspiciously.

I shrugged, "I do now."

The waitress came back with our food, my mouth watering at the bacon. The bacon and eggs looked like heaven, I didn't care about the sausages and mushrooms. I started eating as soon as the place was sat in front of me, Adeel looking at me in shock.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked, frowning.

"I had potato and gravy yesterday" I said with a mouth full of bacon.

"That's it?" He held my hand, to stop me from eating.

"I had a strawberry shake too" I said quietly. KFC potato and gravy had never been so appealing until now. Actually, that would go great with the bacon and eggs.

He eyed me and let go of my hand, eating his chicken pasta. What was wrong with what I was eating?

I had finished before Adeel had eaten half his pasta. I snuggled into his side, drinking my shake. His arm was still around me as he ate, resting his head lightly on mine.

"How are you feeling now?" He whispered, looking down at me.

I smiled up him, his lips leaning down to kiss mine. "Better" I whispered as I pulled away. I jumped when I saw a flash from the window. Was someone taking photos? Adeel looked over, tensing.

"Don't move" he whispered, looking back at the window. I knew we'd being caught. He called for the bill, handing the waitress his card. I finished my shake, trying not to show my face to window.

Adeel held me tightly after the waitress returned with card. "Look down" he whispered, pulling me out of the diner. I wasn't sure if they were still outside as he pulled me to the car, opening the door for me. We drove in silence, none of us knowing what to say. How long had they been there?

Adeel checked into the hotel, the receptionist smirking at him. She leant over, many buttons undone on her shirt. I narrowed my eyes, he's mine but he's not. He held my hand, the bags in his other. As we were in the elevator, I wondered if I should go home.


I looked up to see Adeel holding the elevator door open. I walked out, following him to our hotel room.

I got changed and laid on the bed, thinking about what this meant. Could you see who was in the photo?

"Don't worry about it" Adeel's voice came form the bathroom as he walked out. "They couldn't see your face" he added, sitting next to me.

"How do you know?" I asked quietly.

"I've seen the photos." He pulled out his phone and showed me the photos that were all over twitter.

Mustafa Ali seen with another woman

WWE star cheating

"I'm sorry" I said, barely a whisper. "If I-"

"It's not your fault" he said harshly. "People were always going to find out."

He said nothing else as he got under the covers, pulling me into him. I laid awake as he was asleep, my body didn't feel right. The eating, it only meant one thing.

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