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We laid in silence after our conversation. Not long after Mustafa got up to get ready for bed and I stayed on the couch, thinking.

What he said to me confused me. Did he have feelings for me? He was married, I couldn't do this. I didn't want to be a home wrecker.

But I already was one.

He has children. I have a cat. I couldn't get how he could do this, to them. I shook my head and got up, heading for the bathroom.

Mustafa was getting out of the shower as I waked in. I turned to walk away when I remembered that this is my house. I wiped my make up off my face, trying to ignore Mustafa looking at me.

"You don't need that" he whispered as the foundation was wiped off my skin. I shrugged. The make up gave me confidence, something I lacked.

"Tell me how you got here" he said as he got changed.

I looked at him through the mirror. "What?"

"Well it's a long way from melbourne" he pointed out.

"I used my savings to come here for a try out, they liked me." I thought that was the end of the conversation, but he was still staring at me.

"I didn't originally live here, I lived in Cincinnati" I added. "But moved here just before my debut."

I left Mustafa to get changed as I pulled off my clothes, pulling on my pj's. I loved it here, no one knew me. I climbed into bed, waiting for Mustafa. Tomorrow we would be training and I knew he'd be harder on me. Mustafa climbed in next to me, pulling me into him as I fell asleep.

"Again!" He yelled at me as I laid on the floor. I got up, holding my arm as I did. "Counter!" He yelled. He had me running at him and he would try and clothesline me and I had to avoid it.

I did it again, running but only half avoiding him. He sighed and sat on the ring next to me. "Can you teach me how to jump off the top rope?" I asked him after a minute.

"You can't jump?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I can" I said quickly. "I'm just not very confident."

I jumped off the top rope a few times in nxt but never felt like I could do it. My landings weren't great and neither was my balance.

He pulled me to my feet, leading me over to the ropes. "We're going to do a frog splash" he said, laying me down on the mat. "I promise I'll be gentle" he winked.

"It's all in the take off" he said as climbed to the top rope. "You need to push with the legs." He bent his knees and pointed to them.

"You see this?" I nodded.

"This is what you need for a successful jump, good bent knees."

I watched as he jumped, holding his arms out his torso fell on mine.

"See? Easy" he climbed off me. "Now you do it."

I turned and looked at him, "I c-"

"You won't be good at it if you don't practice" he said softly, laying down where I was. "Take your time" he added.

I climbed to the top robe, my legs shaking. I looked behind me to see nothing on the ground if I fell backwards.

"Don't look behind you" he said, making me turn back around. "Breathe in and stand when you breathe in."

I did as he said, breathing as I stood. I stood on the top of the rope, not moving just looking at Mustafa below me.

"I'm standing in the top rope" I laughed.

"You are" he laughed and smirked. "Now jump on me" his eyes were dark.

I bent my legs and jumped like he did, landing not quite the same. I landed more with my chest on Mustafa's face, my sports bra covering his mouth.

"Well that's close enough" he smirked as I got off him, only for him to pull me back down. "I like this position" he smirked.

"Oh do you?" I teased.

"Yes, yes I do" he looked at me seductively.

"Hmm" I giggled as his beard touched my neck. "I don't know what you're talking about" I played innocent.

"Oh really?"

I just shrugged and squealed as he stood up, holding me.

"How about I show you?"

My neighbours didn't know my name, but I think they do now. I think they know Mustafa's too. I wasn't sure what time time was, but it was day when we got to my apartment and now it was night.

"That was a good training session" Mustafa said as he wrapped one arm around me.

"Was it?" I asked nervously, pulling the sheet up.

"Yeah, I didn't take you for a screamer" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"So are you making me dinner?" I asked him.

"I made you breakfast before" he pointed out.

"And now I want dinner" I leant over and kissed him.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes, standing.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he walked towards the door, still naked.

"To make you dinner?"

"Not like that you're not" I shook my head.

"No one will see" he laughed.

"'No, there's a child in the house" I looked at him sternly. He looked confused before he heard a meow.

"Well I think he knows what his parents have been doing" he laughed, pulling on underwear before walking to the kitchen.

His parents.

I dressed myself in one of Mustafa's shirts, walking to the kitchen.

"Do you like spice?" He asked, sensing my presence. His back was to me as he chopped vegetables and cooked meat.

"Yeah" I replied, grabbing a bottle of wine and two glasses. I sat at the breakfast bar, watching him as he cooked.

"You know" I said. "I might half to hire you as my personal cook."

"Oh really?" He turned to me, waving a spoon at me. "You might have to keep me around then" he said before going back to cooking.

Keep him around? Why did he mean. I stared off into space thinking about what Mustafa and I's future would be like if we had one. He probably wound want kids, he already has two. Would he even want to get married? Why am I thinking about this?

I was brought out of my daze by Mustafa placing a plate in front of me. There was chicken that looked like it was marinated in some honey soy type mix and vegetables. Mustafa watched me as I ate, waiting for my reaction.

"Ooh" I said, reaching for my wine.

"Told you, spice" he smirked. "So I was thinking" he said, taking my hand. "After the mixed match we could spend some time together."

I looked at him confused.

"We could do with some more training." I nodded and continued to eat. "I have one question"

I waited for him to continue.

"How did you get that scar on your thigh?"

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The Affair // Mustafa AliOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz