Teenage (6.2)

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PoV- Jason

The rhythmic fluttering of heart and the subtle movements of her eyes in different directions had confirmed that she was in her R.E.M. phase of sleep.

Just as I was about to strip and cuddle with her, Mason mindlinked everyone about the family meeting downstairs.

With my Dom scratching my insides to abandon the idea of the gathering downstairs, and just to nestle myself beside my imprintee. I know as much as I wished to agree with my Dom, it was for us all to discuss about Renessme.

Today's discussion would be vital as to how we approach and work around Esme in the future, additionally outlines as to when we could warm her up about the idea of the supernaturals.

Titus walks out the dresser casually dressed, and the both of us make our way downstairs to our fathers office.

Upon entering I see how the rest of my brothers are already standing tall opposite the large desk to my parents.

It doesn't escape my subconscious, as how attentive and stony my procreators seem. With Ryder demanding to be near his mate, I don't dissipate time or energy any further.

Standing abreast of my brothers at first, I slip in the chair, "Shall we begin?" tapping my fingers on the desk.

Nodding his head, our father "What was it that you all wished to discuss?"

Ceaser's wolf ok the surface, with excitement not amiss, "She's of age to claim, father."

The only reaction we get is from our mother, gasping at what he had just heard, "Humans don't get into heat Ceaser."

Mason was quick to correct the Queen, "But female humans do get their periods, mother. An equivalent to the female mate heat."

She settles herself on my fathers lap, as if her legs went weak, relaxing in his touch, "Oh lord! Did she..."

"Yes, today itself" I announce rather proud of this new development.

After a minute of silence, our Mother spring out of Father's lap and starts clapping her squealing in excitement, "What a wonderful news, I can't wait to congratulate the Beta Couple. Their child is growing up. We all need to celebrate this day."

Before I could ask my mother to drop such ridiculous ideas, a knock on the door disrupted me.

It was easy to make out who it was outside the door, we all had smelled them out even before they were permitted to enter the office.

The two enter bowing their heads in respect and due to the dictum.

Attrius growls at no one in particular, "Why are they here?"

My mother walks over to the couple, and settle them on the chaise beside my fathers desk. Now facing us all, "Boys! Those are her parents, so they have every right to be here and have an equal say in the decisions that we all make regarding her well being."

The calm and collected Mason is the one who begs to differ, the glass of water that he held in his palm cracks, "Wrong answer! Only me and my brothers have the right, on the decision and over her, no one can dare challenge us on that. Neither you both nor them."

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