Chapter Four: Girl in New Orleans

Start from the beginning

"Angela! It's so good to hear from you." I say with a smile on my face.

"Isa, I need you to listen to me and listen to me good. Something is brewing with the witches of the French Quarter. I don't know much but, don't trust them... any of them. I'm on my way to you now."

I scrunch my face up in confusion. First Anna goes evil and now the witches are planning something, what more could go wrong? I'm seriously starting to hate this city.

"Okay. Can you be more specific about what the witches are doing?"

I place my bowl of cereal on the island countertop and sit on one of the chairs. I put my phone on speaker and set it on the counter so I can eat my breakfast.

"I don't know what they're planning. I just know it's bad. Also, you need to save the little witch, Davina. She's in just as much danger as you."

The super-witch that has Elijah captive? What could her coven want to do with her that she's in danger?

I spoon another bite of cereal into my mouth.

"How far out are you? I'm not allowed to leave the house, so I could use the company."

No sooner than I ask the question, I hear a car coming up the driveway. I make my way over to the front door only to be greeted by not just Angela but Peter as well.

Ang pulls me into her arms hugging me with all her strength which is quite a lot for such a small person. She lets go and looks at my stomach, there is the smallest hint of a bump.

"Hey 'Lil Bit, this is kind of important, so if you could let us into the house that would be great," Peter says while tapping his booted foot.

I move away from the doorway motioning for them to follow me back to the kitchen. As we pass by the study on the main floor, I hear a woman talking.

"No, offense, but I'm not completely sure why you've invited me here." I hear the voice of the bartender from Rousseau's say.

"I enjoy your company. And I sense you have the capacity for understanding someone of my... complexity." Klaus' voice says in return.

I don't stick around to hear what else he has to say as jealousy courses through my veins.

Angela looks at me with confusion and Peter just pats my back. We enter the kitchen and I go back to my now soggy breakfast.

"Pirate Pete, what has your panties in a twist?"

He glares at me. I take my bowl of cereal to the sink. I then open the fridge and pull out a bowl of fruit Bekah brought home for me last night.

"For starters, I don't know what these stupid witches are planning and every time I try to force the information, I end up with a headache. Two, I know you're in danger, and three... well, there isn't a three at the moment."

I sigh knowing that I'm the reason he's away from his mates.

"I'm sorry Peter. Maybe it's best you don't try to force the information to come. If anything really bad is going to happen I'm sure the ancestors will warn me as they did with the Volturi."

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