Chapter 4: Burning Up

Start from the beginning

The Doctor grabbed both yours and Ryan's hands, running towards the source of the explosion. You looked up and noticed a hole in the glass ceiling. There was smoke coming from the location of the explosion.

Upon arriving, the Doctor let go of yours and Ryan's hands. She had her sonic ready. There was giant rock on the floor, it was the same height as the Doctor. Smoke was emitting from the rock and a yellow light pulsed throughout the cracks.

The Time Lord aimed her sonic at the rock, "Woah! The temperature is through the roof! Exactly five thousand six hundred degrees Celsius! Definitely don't touch this." she said, making sure she kept her distance from the rock, "Five thousand six hundred degrees Celsius..." you heard the Doctor mutter to herself, "That's the temperature of the surface of the sun!" she exclaimed.

"You mean..." Ryan started.

"That's a piece of the sun?" you asked as you looked behind you, watching as the crowd continued to shout and run.

"Something like that." the Doctor replied, "However..." she scanned it again, "There's something alive in there..."

"A-Alive?" Ryan asked with worry.

The Doctor nodded, stepping back, "I think in this universe... This is the day the sun explodes. And something is here to finish off the survivors-"

Another explosion occurred a few metres behind them. Another rock.

"I think that's our cue to leave, Doc!" you exclaimed.

"But how?!" she questioned, "We have no idea where the door is!"

"Look, we'll find it! But we can't stay here. Whatever those creatures are in those rocks..." you replied.

"They definitely won't be friendly." Ryan added.

The Doctor nodded, "Yes. You're right. When we find the door, we all have to go through it together. It will only be open for a short amount of time and it could potentially be the last door. We really don't want to be stuck here." she said as people still continued to run by.

As the Doctor grabbed your hand, you heard both of the rocks crack. A loud hissing sound came from within them.

"Okay, Doctor. We really should run." Ryan said.

"Wait." the Doctor said.

"Doctor!" you exclaimed, trying to pull her away.

"I have to see what they are!" she said, curiosity getting the best of her.

"Doc-" she leaned over a put a finger to your lips, before she looked back towards the rock she had previously scanned. You tried to ignore the people pushing past you as your eyes remained on the rock, not daring to blink.

"I have to see..." she said, before quickly scanning her surroundings, "There's an office to our left. As soon as that creature shows itself... We run to the office. Okay?" her eyes landed back on the rock.

You nodded which caused the Doctor to drop her finger.

"Got it." Ryan whispered.

"Please..." the Doctor said, "Please don't let whatever it is touch you." she said as the rock began to crack even more, "Because without a doubt, that creature will kill you. I might be able to survive it. But not you two." her hand tightened in yours.

You squeezed her hand back in reassurance, "We won't." you said.

It felt like hours before finally, the rock opened. A bright yellow light emitted from it briefly before the creature came into view.

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