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It's been a month since Namjoon has been back in the boys life, back in his daughter's life. It's like the house was filled with light and laughter. Everyday was a happy day. Everyday was a happy new memory, and Ja-kyung was blessed to have her family in her life.

Ja-kyung's POV

"Dad, Namjoon... can I Uh talk to you both at the table," Ja-kyung called the two over by where she was seated.

"What's wrong, is everything ok?" Dad worriedly asked.

"Everything is perfect, I just need to ask you both something," I explained reassuring them.

"We are listening love," Namjoon says giving me his full attention.

"So I've been thinking about this a lot, and I am not comfortable calling you Namjoon, you're my dad, but Yoongi is also. So I wanted to ask if it was ok if I called you dad and Yoongi , Appa, Like I did when I was a kid," I explains.

Dad had tears in his eyes, and I wrap my arms around him as he cries.

"Is it ok?" She asks the two.

"Yes, it's more than ok. Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asks the older.

"It's perfectly fine," he hugs the two.

Ever since that day, everything has been perfect.

A/N (Ja-kyung will now be calling Namjoon Dad and Yoongi Appa)

Time passes (because I am lazy)

Ja-kyung's POV

"I feel like we haven't hung out in forever, you've been so busy," Ethan pouts as the two walk from school to Ja-kyung's car.

"I've been catching up with my birth dad, it's been crazy good. I've always felt something missing, like a hole, and it's been slightly filled. I promise we will hang out soon," Ja-kyung smiles to herself, as they walk to her car.

"I'll take you home,"

"What's that on your windshield?" Ethan points to a piece of paper under the wipers.

"Be careful of the Shapiros," It read.

"Uh nothing just a club invite," Ja-kyung shoves the paper in her pocket and closes the car door.

She was on edge, what does it mean, Shapiros. As in her best friend Ethan Shapiro? His family? She had to get home and tell her fathers. She pulled into his driveway, and wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans.

"Are you ok? You seem anxious. Do you want to go inside and get some water?" Ethan asks.

"No, I'm ok. My dad and appa are waiting for me. See you tomorrow," Ja-kyung smiles, and drives home.

Ethan's POV

"Mom Im home," Ethan calls out as her kicks his shoes off at the door.

"The girl hasn't come in the house in a while," mom says cutting veggies in the kitchen.

"Her dad came back from jail mom, I told you she has been busy catching up with him," Ethan walks behind her.
"No excuse!" Mom swiftly turns around with a the knife in her hands cutting my cheek.

"Ah! Mom!" My hands flew to my cheek.

"You know what her family has done to us, I lost my husband,"

"And I lost my dad,"

"You were But a mere child, you have no memories of him,"

"She lost her mom, she wasn't even born yet," I argue.

Daddy Issues/ sequel to dangerous loveWhere stories live. Discover now