The Question Game ::19::

Start from the beginning

“And what does that have to do with me?” he nearly spat, not wanting to have anything to do with this insolent sixth year. After last night he hadn’t much wanted to deal with anybody in general. He had felt himself being torn apart with her words.

She loathed him, much as he was convincing himself he did for her. But he knew that wasn’t the truth. If it was indeed the truth then every word that spewed from her mouth wouldn’t have affected him as much as it did. And somehow he knew, standing here before Dumbledore, the Headmaster somehow knew.

Was he surprised? 

“As I am sure you’re aware of her… condition… Miss Kingsleigh has informed me she’s gone two entire weeks without meditation. Oh Miss Kingsleigh I do remember when your great grandmother would go long without meditating.” he trailed off on another tangent.

Lennox raised her head to look at him. 

“You knew her?” 

“I did. She was a good friend of mine. I am very old you know.” he chuckled. She cracked a half smile, but still kept her head low enough to avoid her professor’s dark gazes. Severus folded his arms across his chest, looking at Dumbledore expectantly.

“And I repeat. What does this have to do with me?” he inquired. There was a moment of silence where the three of them said nothing. Lennox was panicking, Severus was waiting, and Albus was thinking. Each doing something that affected the other.

“She needs a night away from the hustle and bustle of the castle. And since you are your mentor I’m deeming it your responsibility to keep her safe in your absences here. Do try to be back before eleven tomorrow morning, Severus.” he had smacked the ball into Severus’s court.

Had the Headmaster actually just suggested that he take this brat into the forest… overnight?! Was he absolutely insane? Was this some sort of sick cruel punishment? Lennox gaped at her Headmaster, and Severus wasn’t too far off from doing the same.

“Sir?” she squeaked, staring at him with eyes as large as a deer in headlights. Dumbledore gave her a reassuring smile, and then turned back to Severus. Lennox felt small tears sting in the corner of her eyes. Severus mentally cursed to himself.

“Vermillion Forest is a safe place. I trust you know your way?” he was looking at Snape. Severus pursed his lips, and took in deep calming breaths to keep himself from lashing out. He closed his eyes slowly, and nodded. He grabbed Lennox’s arm and gently pulled her to her feet.

She followed him swiftly behind, neither saying anything the entire trip down the corridor and into the Entrance Hall. From there they could see the Great Hall filled to the brim with students. She didn’t have an appetite. Food sounded grotesque at the moment.

“Grab a few things you need and meet me back here in ten minutes.” he growled as they both made their way into the dungeons. 

“I… don’t hate you. I was just a bit… I’m sorry.” She told him. And that was the last they spoke of the matter. She sprinted to the Slytherin common room, and then began her ascend to the dormitories. It was empty when she walked in.

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