First Snow

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Rush hour this morning was different. The first sets of snow came pouring down today. It was a beautiful sight, but made getting to work miserable. Not to mention the decrease of students today. At least he doesn't have to deal with the constant sounds of snoring that much for a day.

In the midst of lunch break, he was sitting comfortably in his office when a knock on his door was heard. The door opened to reveal a tall male figure, with skin a little darker than his own and black hair styled neatly. He closed the door then proceeded to sit across from him.

"Jongin, why are you here?"

"Harsh, I am hurt," he said while lifting a hand to his heart. "I just want to see my close friend, is that really wrong?"

"No. But the fact you're visiting me at work annoys me. We could have meet up somewhere less... formal."

Jongin gave him a little chuckle. "There is another reason I visited you here."

"I figured. What do you want?"

"My sister and I are throwing a banquet later this week. I want to invite you, for old times sake."

"What's in it for me? I don't go to those things anymore, you know that."

That is true. Ever since he was 'accidentally' caught in a scandal for having small talk with a well known actress, he basically hated high class parties. It was hard for him to go out in public for a few months. And that was an irritating experience.

Jongin looked around his office. One particular item caught his eye. "In The Stars, written by Kim Minseok. You like his works?"

"I am a fan of his books, yes. I find them interesting."

Jongin had a smug look on his face. "You know, he's coming to the banquet."

This brought him to full attention. Still, he isn't sure weather to come or not. And Jongin caught that.

"Sehun, that scandal was almost a year ago. People have moved on. Trust me when I say the press won't be there."

"I need more reassurance than that."

"Is my word not reassuring enough? I am hurt, again."

Sehun just gave his friend a light pat in the shoulder. "I'll come, is it at your place?"

"That's the spirit. My place, this Friday at 8 p.m."

He leaned back on his seat. "I'll see you then."


The night so far has been good. And as Jongin promised, no press. There are a few critics present, but they aren't a bother.

The sounds of people chatting and the occasional clinks of glasses filled the air. Sehun was now standing near the front door, drinking a tall glass of champagne. A few people would glance his way now and then, but none got up to him to talk. That's fine too.

He hasn't got the pleasure to meet Kim Minseok though, the main reason he's here. He has seen him in the crowd, both men and women surrounded him like a plague. So Sehun decided to stand back. Not wanting to get involved with them.

Sehun moved through the crowd to get another glass, then he stepped out to the porch to get some fresh air. The cold winter breeze blowing some pieces of his hair out of place.

A sound from behind him caught his attention. He turned around to see who it was. "Ah, sorry I didn't know this place was taken. I'll take my leave then."

"No, no. It's fine, you could stay if you want," Sehun said.

The man smiled and took his place beside Sehun. They both stood in silence for a while. Looking out to the beautiful and lush garden Jongin has.

"So, I'm guessing you are Kim Minseok?" Sehun opened the conversation.

"Ah, so you know me. You aren't going to be questioning me about how I got my inspiration, right?"

"Of course not. I'm not into those, I just read your books and find them interesting."

Minseok smiled at him. "Thank god you aren't one of those damned book critics."

"Rough night, huh?" Sehun gave him his untouched glass of champagne, which Minseok gladly accepts.

"It's part of the job, though. So I better not complain." Minseok straighten his back and turned to face Sehun. "We haven't officially introduced ourselves." He gave his hand for a hand shake, Sehun takes it. "I'm Kim Minseok, but you already know that."

Sehun laughed, "My name is Sehun, Oh Sehun."

Minseok's eyes visibly widened. "The Oh Sehun? The son of Oh Industries?"

"My parents' reputation made me famous."

Minseok laughed at that. The moon shining on his face as he laughed, highlighting his beautiful face. A masterpiece. "I'm honoured, really."

"The honour's mine. I'm a nobody compared to you."

"Don't say such things," Minseok looked at his watch. "It's getting late. I have to get going, need to submit my newest draft to my publisher tomorrow."

"I'll be waiting for your new works, that is for sure."

"I'm glad," Minseok turned to leave, but turned around again after a few steps. "If I'm not mistaken, you're a collage lecturer, correct?"

"You are right."

"Then would you mind if I asked you a few questions sometime? For reference."

Sehun smiled at the shorter man. "I'd be delighted."

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