The Last Days pt.1

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I just wanted to say that a lot has happened since I last saw this guy. I let him take advantage of me in ways that I never should have and never would now. I think I have grown from this experience and am being a lot more picky. If anything that I post in this story sound like someone you're in a relationship with, you should have a talk with them or someone close to you. If you are being treated this way, don't keep it to yourself. I unfortunately kept quiet and let things go too far.

Saturday, September 1

He had been trying to get me to come over for a couple of weeks. I'd managed to get out of it by saying that I was too busy at home but it got to the point where I decided that it would be better to get it out of the way and go rather than have him harass me about it. I told him several times that I was not going to get back together with him and that I didn't want to date at the moment to kind of let him down easy. He got mad and said that he was going to pick me up but he would basically be ignoring me because we wouldn't be back together and I didn't even want to act like we were together. I had also told him that I wanted to be with someone who wanted the same things I eventually wanted for my future (i.e. marriage, career, kids). I never thought me and him would be together forever. he always showed a lack of motivation for everything besides smoking and sitting on the couch. He would go back and forth between saying that he wants more kids and not wanting kids at all. He used to talk about moving out of the country and leaving his kid with his ex wife. He started trying to bribe me into coming. He said that he was going to take me out to dinner and a drag show and buy me a bunch of stuff and that he was planning vacations for us. Again, I repeatedly told him that I didn't want a relationship with him. He had at one point told me he wouldn't be able to be friends with me, he only wanted a relationship. But later he went back on that and said that he absolutely wanted to be friends. So I decided to go against my better judgement and get it out of the way so he would stop asking. I was also promised that I would get back all the stuff he stole from me before. He told me that he would be able to leave right away and I told him that I needed to check and make sure that it was okay with my parents. 10-20 minutes later I sent him a message and told him that I could go if he left soon. He then said that it was too late now because he told someone else that he would come over. I got a bit frustrated and told him that I wouldn't be able to leave if he got here any later that 3-3:30 because my step dad gets home around 4 and he cant stand him. I think at that point he got upset because he doesn't like to leave his apartment "early" (he lived an hour away and it was about 11:30-12). He had people to meet with, aka selling drugs. He said that he would be at my house by 4. He showed up an hour early, which I was fine with. As soon as he got out of the car he said "I cleaned out my car last week but it's messy again, so you'll be helping to clean that." I just kind of laughed it off, knowing that I was not going to clean out my ex's car. On our way out of town he was going back and forth between talking about how good he looks because he lost "so much weight", hoping that he didn't get pulled over because he had pot in the car, and bragging about how he's got $1,500 in his drug cabinet.**He also mentioned that he needed to go to the store because he was completely out of food** So after hearing all of his bragging and him making promises of doing a bunch of stuff. I asked what exactly we were going to be doing that night. He turned to me and said "you're just trying to spend my money." I told him that I was absolutely not trying to spend his money and he said "you've been talking about going to bars and getting food and going to the store to spend my money." What?!? I laughed it off again and continued to listen to him brag some more about concerts he's been to and being a drag queen's dealer. When we got to his apartment, he immediately started trying to touch me inappropriately and getting high. We talked for a little while and I was trying to drop hints that I wasn't interested in him by going on tinder and showing him some guys on there. He obviously didn't take the hint. 

A couple hours later he got a call from his friend who said she was coming over. He asked if I could help him clean up a little and I said yes to avoid an argument. I cleaned up the living room while he did absolutely nothing. He continued to watch TV and weigh weed. I had made a comment about his bathroom needing to be cleaned and he said " oh, are you going to clean it?" like he actually expected me to scrub his toilet. I told him no. He also had me help him sort out his laundry and acted like he didn't know how to wash his own clothes. He had been living on his own since April or May, so I found it hard to believe that a 36 year old man couldn't wash his own clothes. He said we wouldn't be leaving until all 3 loads of laundry were dont. His friend came over and as soon as I sat down he had me up cleaning again. While I was cleaning up his bedroom, he yelled from the living room "hey, can you check the laundry?" I did and told him it was done. He said "You know, if you put all the clothes away now, we can leave sooner." I was getting a bit frustrated at this point because I didn't come here to be his maid while he sat on his ass and completely took advantage of my kindness. So, again, to avoid an argument, I started putting his clothes away. while I was doing that, 2 more people came over and sold him weed. They asked me if I smoked and I said no. They respected that I didn't and didn't once try to get me to smoke with them. My ex, on the other hand, kept trying to give me edibles. I kept saying no and he eventually dropped it for the night.  After everyone left he said he didn't want to go out anymore. I honestly didn't expect him to follow through with his plans, but I told him that we should still go to the store because I knew there was no way he would get up in time to go to the store before he got his kid the next day. We went to the store and while we were there he said he wanted to buy me a gift. I said what I always say when he offers to buy me stuff, which is "you dont have to do that", he said he wanted to and bought me a $20 gift. We went back to his apartment and eventually went to bed. I was not given any other option but to sleep in his bed and he said that if I wanted to sleep that night, I could not wear anything to bed. I tried telling him that I wasn't comfortable with that and that I was too cold and wanted to wear my pajamas to bed. Didn't work. He tried to touch me inappropriately all night even when I tried to get as far away from him on the bed as possible. He eventually fell asleep but I didn't get much sleep that night.

Thank you for sticking around this far. This is only part 1 to The Last Day. I feel the need to warn anyone who is going to continue reading, the next part I upload will have a small amount of violence and a lot of swearing. Please let me know what you think so far.

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