Chapter 7

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In the DDLC World

Sayori's POV

As soon as I stepped through the door I stepped on something and I instantly froze solid in place.

Yuri's POV

I saw Sayori got frozen solid by a trap and I saw a couple of people, four to be exact, my instincts turned on and I grabbed one of my knives and threw it at one of the girls.

Ryuuko's POV

I saw a girl with purple hair threw a knife at me but I was fast enough to block it with my scissor blade, but I didn't notice the pink haired girl grabbing Jerkyll and slamming him onto the ground, "Jerkyll!" I shouted his name, but before I could reach him the girl with purple hair threw more knives at me but I dodge all of them, "I must say that this is the most stupidest plan yet by our little brother." Satsuki said to me while she is dodging knives as well, "Hey! A little help would be nice!" Jerkyll said while being choked and slapped by the girl with pink hair, "I got this!" (Y/n) said while running towards to Jerkyll, but before he could proceed he was caught off guard by the purple haired girl with a knife to his throat, "Okay, we don't know who you guys are, but we know you guys are bad news, since you froze Sayori." The girl with purple hair said to us, "Yeah! I will keep bitch slapping this guy until he goes unconscious, I will stop if you tell us what are you guys doing here and what are your business being here." The girl with the pink hair said to us, "Ah... having fun Chicos and Chicas? Jerkyll, having fun with Natsuki bitch slapping you?" Sombra said when she came out of her invisibility cloaking device, "Cut the crap Sombra, a little help would be nice." Jerkyll said with a bloodied and bruised face, "Geez if you want, then fine." Sombra said while taking out her Uzi and firing at Natsuki missing on purpose to scare that Natsuki bitch off of Jerkyll, I signaled to Satsuki to take care of the girl with a knife to me so I could help Jerykll, I told my brother to open the portal back to Remnant so I could take Jerkyll to a hospital.

Somewhere in Remnant

Kirito's POV

I could take Asuna and the gang to a Cafe somewhere here, but I don't know where and the only people who know the landscape here is (y/n) and Jerkyll, oh well I better tell the gang, "Guys, I think we're lost." I said with a defeated tone, "Kirito-kun did you still forgot that we could change to our Alfheim Online avatars and fly our way around the city? Or are you still clueless as ever?" Asuna said to me, I simply scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment, "Don't worry Kirito-kun, maybe someone will help us." Asuna said to me, making me feel a little bit more happy, then I accidentally bumped into someone, "Hey, watch where are you going man." a girl said, by my guess she looks like a 18 years old, "Jolyne, why are you- Yare Yare, those are (y/n) 's friends be polite next time." a man wearing a white coat said to the girl named Jolyne, "Um... Who are you?" Silica asked them, "I am Kujo Jotaro and this is my daughter, Jolyne Kujo. Me and my family are going around town to buy food, but it seems we are lost due to my grandfather's mistake." Jotaro said while glaring at a guy with a fedora, "Jotaro don't blame me, I was just helping." said Jotaro's grandfather, "So, you guys are lost too huh?" I said, "Yep" Jolyne said, "Since we are all here why not all of us stick together and I hope we find our way around this town." I said to them, they nodded and we walked around the town hoping we find someone that could help us.

Ryuko's POV

I arrived at Vale while carrying Jerkyll in my arms, why did I agreed to this, oh when (y/n) gets back he will have some serious beating coming to him, "Where are we?" Jerkyll asked me, "We are back in Remnant, because you are hurt and injured, so I guess you need some medical attention." I said to Jerkyll, "Oh, Okay." Jerkyll said to me then he passed out, great I have to deal with this guy, "Ryuko!" a familiar voice called out to me, "Ryuko!" I turned around to see where the voice is coming from and it was Jolyne, her family and Kirito and Company, "Where the hell were you guys and where is (y/n)? And who is that?" Kirito asked me, "No time to explain, we need to head back to Beacon and seek medical attention for Jerkyll." I said and they nodded. We ran for almost four hours just to get back to Beacon and one to find the medical room, "Is he going to be okay?" Silica asked me, "I don't know, we will find out tomorrow." I said to Silica with that me and the group went outside and I hope Jerkyll will get better, I really hope he gets better.

Back with (y/n) and Satsuki

(y/n)'s POV

"Damn, these girls are tough." I said to Satsuki while holding of Natsuki and boy she is strong as Fuck, I mean what is doing? One Punch Man training? "Take this!" Natsuki shouted while delivering a kick to my gut, causing me to cough out blood, "(Y/n)!" Satsuki shouted to me, "Hey! Keep your eyes on me. I am faster than you think!" Yuri said to Satsuki while using her knives to cut her, but Satsuki is dodging like a pro and sometimes parrying them, "Hey! Who said we're done with our fight?" Natsuki said while using her shoe to push me down to the ground, "Sombra! I need help, please!" I shouted to Sombra who apparently is eating Doritos (#NotSponsored) and watching some video of something, "Yeah, Chico?" Sombra said while getting a piece of Doritos, "I. NEED. HELP. NOW." I shouted to her, "Geez, alright here." Sombra said while shooting at Natsuki, but those shots landed on her, god I hope those were tranquilizer rounds, "There, happy?" Sombra said to me, "Did you kill her?" I asked Sombra, "Ouch! That hurts!" Natsuki shouted, "That answered my question and yet somehow she is still conscious." I said sarcastically, "Eh, I could've done better." Sombra said while snacking on a Dorito, "Well at least hel-" before I could finish Nastuski punched me so hard I think my jaw dislocated, then from the corner of my eye I saw a portal open up and to my surprise I was shaking in my boots and sweating bullets, "Hello girls long time no see. I see Sayori is doing a great job of holding the club together, gotta say she is looking cool while doing it." the girl with light brown hair said sarcastically, "Who are you?" I said while locking my jaw back into place, "My name is Monika and I am the president of the literature club and you are going to be deleted from our game!" Monika said with a sadistic smile and the two girls started to laugh maniacally. This won't end well for me, Big Sis Satsuki, and Sombra.

Will (y/n) and Co. get out of the DDLC world and return back to Remnant and be safe? Or will they be lost in the files of DDLC forever?

Tune in for the next chapter of this story and thanks for the help of people who made this story in the rankings of the Kill La Kill story ranks, thank you all, vote on the story and comment too.

Jerky77 OUT!

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