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"Do you what to talk Bella" Bree ask me
"No, I do not what to talk "This was true I just what to sit here and thank about how to stay alive for my daughter. How did I get into this one this time okay let to the being of this crazy story shall we here we go.
"Hi, Alice can you and Jacob which Renesmee Edward and I what to go hunting and we need someone to wich her. Jacob, you better not do anything to her or I will kill you"
"What did do this time the only thing I have done was an imprint on her but that was when she was a baby okay let me be quiet now." I and Edward were on are was home when this plane come out of know where and pick us up.
"Bella good luck but you will not need it."
Now we are in the games I look to my right and see Edward but then I see someone who looks like Jacob. The games started and everyone tack off running I get to where Edward is "is that Jacob Alce and Jane what are they doing here Jacob is support to be at home with Alice and Renesmee if something happens to her I will kill him but we have to get out of here and how did we get out of here we have to ask someone."
We tack off into the woods we getaway, for now, we have to get out of here.

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